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Oh how I hated weddings.

Especially those with a huge number of guests, huge fireworks, slow dancing and... cheap champagne. If the party is luxurious, the alcohol should be of great quality. That was my belief.

– Hi guys! Today is a shopping day and I'm taking you with me. We're looking for a cute little dresses for my bestie sister's wedding and then we'll be making dinner! – I waved with a smile to my phone as I walked through the streets of Monaco.

I loved this city. These beautiful buildings, streets, weather, and especially huge yachts where parties took place every night. The only downside to this place was the abnormally high prices of... everything. Fortunately, I lived outside Monaco in a charming town in my grandparents' house. I never had any contact with them, especially after my parents died. My father was an only child, so when my grandparents died when I was twenty years old, the house with a beautiful garden was left to me.

My shopping began and ended at ZARA, because that was the only store I could afford in the city for millionaires.

I bought a few cute dresses because this wedding was to take place in the charming and luxurious Saint Tropez. Well, Laura's older sister hit on the millionaire's son. Good for her, I guess.

After a long walk around the streets of Monaco, I returned home and started recording my activities in the kitchen. My viewers loved it because I wasn't a very good cook. No one taught me how to cook, so I had to cope as best I could, which usually ended with ordering food from a restaurant.

While I was taking out my carbonara on a plate, my phone started ringing telling me that Laura was calling.

– Oh my days, really? Right now? – I murmured. I was I was making a vlog. She really had a timing.

I stopped recording and picked up the call. Laura immediately started talking.

– Storm, you won't believe what my mom just told me! – she was out of breath, I guess she was doing her run around some park in London.

– Yeah? – I mumbled, sitting on a white countertop.

I wasn't really worried because she was calling me with excitement like that almost every day. She just couldn't live without me.

– Prim is taking a guy to a wedding!

I frowned. That wasn't really something big. Primrose was her youngest sister. She was a model and traveled the world while being only twenty. That was really impressive. But she was also dumb as hell.

– Ha! Which one? – I laughed, kicking my feet in the air.

– Okay, don't make out of my sister some kind of a hooker! – she stopped running. – But fair, she didn't tell my mom with who she's coming. We're just guessing it's someone famous, that's why she's not telling us – she stated with excitement in her voice.

– Oh, really? Your sisters have something for those millionaires – I laughed again.

Laura didn't have a boyfriend. She was too caught up in her work. She loved what she was doing and couldn't care less about guys. We were exactly the same only with that one thing.

– Yeah! That's exactly what I told my mom. But what a shame that I don't – she mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

– Babe, you're working with millionaires. Why can't you just go on a date with one of them – I shrugged like it was that easy. Because it was.

– They're contacting me, because they're looking for an apartment or a house. Not a girlfriend... And by the way, they are usually married with kids so... – Laura exhaled loudly.

– If it ever bothered you – I mumbled jokingly, taking my fork and eating my carbonara out of a pan.

– Umm, excuse me! – she squealed, stopping in her tracks again. – I only did it once and only because he didn't tell me he was married! – she was trying to make herself an angel.

– He was wearing a ring, though – I noticed.

This carbonara was fire.

– Okay now! Started with making a hooker out of my little sister and ended on making a home wracker out of me. What a lovely mood you're having today! – she mocked.

I rolled my eyes.

– You disturbed my vlog, Laura – I stated with serious tone.

– It'll be shitty anyways – she mumbled and I heard that she got into her car.

– You're just jealous – I shrugged and put the dirty pan into the dishwasher.

– Tell yourself that, honey. I have to go. See you tomorrow in beautiful Saint Tropez! – we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I exhaled loudly. I really wasn't looking forward for that wedding weekend.



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Liked by lauramitchell, jmdimov, judebellingham and 68 865 others

@stormisinclair: "spend Thursday with me" is out on my youtube channel:)

@lauramitchell: my bestie is so beautiful i can't take it anymore it's killing me fuck my life
»»»@stormisinclair: u ok hun?
»»»@lauramitchell: NO

@user1889: oh.my.god.

@user81910: why are you so HOT like what the fuck

@user10275: she knew what she was doing...

@user08799: 🤤

@user91827: oh my days

@user91827: jude liked🤭


@user91928: she's so ugly wtf

@user191990: it's boring as always

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