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So it was the next day. Friday.

We all arrived at a huge hotel in St Tropez. I was really impressed. Intentions of the first day of wedding celebrations were to relax and have a big dinner in the evening.

I was laying under the sun with Laura, when Prim came up to us, wearing only a bright red bikini with a thong and black sunglasses. I mean, me and Laura also wore bikinis but she looked gorgeous. Her blonde hair were shiny and her slightly tanned skin was glowing. Meanwhile my hair were oily and Laura was pale like a ghost.

– Hi Stormi! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages! – Prim took her sunglasses off and looked down at me with a bright smile. Bright, fake as hell smile.

– Yeah, I'm okay. Nothing changed, really. I'm still living between London and Monaco – I shrugged, looking at Laura, who was staring at us with widen eyes.

I was shocked as well. Prim used to dislike me but it changed. I guess.

– That's so cool. I've never imagined that you would live a life like that – she chuckled, laying down on a deck chair beside me.

That's it. That's more like Primrose. Maybe she was younger than me and Laura but she definitely didn't give a fuck and said what she wanted. I didn't take this one to myself. I was used to people disbelieving in me.

–Well! Where's your plus one, Prim? – Laura asked with a fake smile, looking at her younger sister from underneath her sunglasses.

Prim's smile faded, as she looked into the sky.

– He's busy right now filming some youtube video or something, I wasn't listening. He'll be there in a few hours, though – she mumbled.

Our conversation ended here. All three of us were focused on tanning and listening to some music.


We were after our welcome dinner and guess what? Prim's mysterious guy didn't show up.

Me and Laura were laughing our asses off because of that. This little brat definitely deserved that. But Prim wasn't really moved about that. She flirted with groom's brother during the dinner anyway.

– What can I get you? – I looked at the bartender, who was looking at me with a nice smile. He was really handsome.

After the dinner everyone was exhausted from the traveling and stuff and left to their rooms. Including Laura. So I went downstairs alone to the little bar that was always open and full of rich men.

– Strong margarita would be nice, thank you – I smiled politely and looked at my phone.


what u doing?

drinking downstairs
how about you

don't get too drunk

sure thing babe

– Is this seat taken? – some voice asked beside me. I didn't even looked his way to know that it was another rich guy.

– Nope – I answered, laying my phone one the countertop. – Thank you so much – my smile came back on my face, when the bartender served me my drink.

– What are you drinking? – this guy asked again after taking a seat on my right.

I rolled my eyes. How typical.

– A margarita – I took a sip of my drink and grimaced unintentionally. This was really strong.

– Okay, I'll take the same as this lady – the guy laughed a little, talking to the bartender.

I wanted to be left alone so I didn't even look in his direction. Maybe he would understand that I don't want to talk with him.

– I'm not looking for anyone, so... – I murmured, spinning a glass in my hand.

– Ouch, you're hurting my feelings – he answered and then I looked at him.

My heart stopped beating for a quick second. He was wearing a black pair of shorts and a black loose button up with short sleeves. His curls were a little cut but he still looked cute.

Lando freaking Norris was seated beside me, looking at me with a little smile.

He talked to me.

– Are you okay? How many drinks did you have? – he laughed a little but I saw concern on his face.

I was making a fool out of myself, so I blinked a few times, wondering if he would disappear but he didn't. He was still there.

– Just this one. It's really strong, I'm warning you – I licked my lips forcing a smile.

I was so stressed. He was my first ever famous crush.

– Damn, I need to be careful then – he laughed, again. His laugh was so freaking cute.

He took a sip of his margarita and grimaced as well, then looked straight into my eyes, still with the same face expression.

– This thing tastes like tequila with a little bit of lime. How can you drink that? – Lando asked with a frown.

– Sometimes I like to get drunk by one drink – I shrugged, sipping my awfully strong margarita.

– So are you poor or what? – he asked with a smile, drinking all of his drink in one go.

He looked like he was running away from some things. And to be honest, I probably did too. That's why he decided to approach me.

– If I would be poor, would I be sitting here? – I answered, also drowning all of my drink. I needed my shyness to go away. It was freaking Lando Norris.

– I don't know! It was rude, was it? – he put his lips into a thin line.

– I'm not offended but some people would be – I answered with a shrug.

– You're something else – he stated, looking straight into my eyes with a grin. – Now it's my turn to decide on a drink – he added, gesturing to a bartender to come.

When he was ordering our drinks, I took a long look at him. Lando Norris was seating right there. I was talking to him. Somebody could say flirting. I felt like I was dreaming. My younger self would be crying right now and asking him for a picture. But that wasn't me anymore.

I was going to enjoy my time while talking to him.

If you find any mistakes, please don't be shy to tell me! This story is so fun to make so remember to vote and leave comments!

Written in Books [ENG] | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now