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I couldn't believe my eyes.

At first I thought I was so hungover that my brain was playing with me but no, he was really there. Sitting with Prim. He was her plus one for this freaking wedding.

– Lu, I'm not feeling good. I'll go back to my room – I whispered to her ear.

– Five minutes ago you looked just fine – she stated, looking at me with a frown.

I had to come up with something so I looked around and saw some hotel guests with their steamy food already on their tables.

– Yeah, but the smell is making me... – I couldn't end my sentence because she looked around. And she also saw him. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked back at me.

– Is this Lando Norris sitting with my little sister? – she mumbled.

She put her hand over her mouth and looked straight at my face. I didn't know what the hell should I do. I haven't told tell her about the night before. I mean, I told her that I got drunk and had fun but not with who I was doing that. Me and Lando, how ridiculously it sounds, were just laughing and joking around. He wasn't trying anything to get in my pants, he was just a great companion to drink. He didn't even ask for my name. Maybe I wasn't really enjoying myself at the begging because I was so freaking stressed. But hey! He was my crush a few years ago and I've even wrote a romance book about him. Gladly I've never committed to "Adventures of Molly" and wrote another book about some fictional F1 driver which went even more viral than that.

– I have to tell you something... – I said in a slow motion because I felt like she was in her own world.

My monologue was disturbed by a loud cough behind my back which made me stop everything I was doing. Talking, breathing, even looking at Laura, because I closed my eyes. When I can't see anyone, no one can see me.

– Hey, stranger – a soft chuckle escaped his mouth as I turned around to see him.

He looked like a greek god in his all white outfit and I was trying so hard not to look him up and down.

– Hi, playboy – I shot back with fake annoyance.

I really didn't want to talk to him. Especially when Laura was standing next to me with her mouth wide open in shock and Prim was sitting by the table, looking at us suspiciously from time to time.

– Sooo... You're here for the wedding? – he asked nonchalantly, putting his hands into his shorts' back pockets.

I nodded, crossing my arms on my stomach.

– And you're here with Prim? – I nodded at Primrose, who was looking at us with furrowed brows.

Lando looked behind him for a second, probably smiling at his date, because immediately she send us a warm smile and looked away. Then he looked at me again with a grin.

– We're good friends – he shrugged, biting his lip, while looking straight into my eyes. He was so intimidating.

– Oh – I reacted, arching my one brow. – Really good friends, I suppose – I rolled my eyes, looking at Laura who was leaning against a table next to me. She was still looking at us with shocked expression on her face.

– I don't know what you mean by that, but yeah, I think you can say that – he licked his bottom lip, looking at his shoes for a second.

After a few seconds of awkward silence between us, I decided to speak up.

– We have to go now. Everyone is sitting at the table now, so... – I pointed at the table behind him, at which he looked over his shoulder.

– Sure. See you around, stranger – he winked at me with a little smirk.

Written in Books [ENG] | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now