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The final wedding day went almost perfectly. Almost. I was making a vlog for my youtube channel and he was present on every video I've taken. I tried to cut him out but I couldn't do that on all of those videos. What can I say, he was hanging around me on purpose so he was going to pay for it. I also noticed a new like and a follow from him.

Typical playboy behaviour and I literally couldn't stand him anymore.

– You're thinking about him. Again – Laura mumbled, while making us dinner. Actually I didn't even know what she was making.

I was sitting on a chair by the table of my dinning room which was combined with the kitchen, meaning, Laura could see me while cooking. I was putting the wedding vlog together to post it later that day. It was Monday but not Monday right after the wedding.

It was next week's Monday and my video still wasn't ready to post.

– I'm just really not happy about the fact that Lando Norris is present in every fucking video I've taken on your sister's wedding – I rolled my eyes, while I was looking at my laptop in front of me.

– I mean, you're probably gonna get more views, no? – she shrugged, while putting some ingredients to our meal.

– I don't care about that – I rolled my eyes and looked at a video in front of me. I was dancing there with Laura and laughing to my camera while Lando walked by and waved with a huge smile.

– Oh, babe. You do care – she argued, looking at me with amusement.

I wanted to defend myself but her phone started ringing and she picked it up. To be honest, I did care. I needed some new followers and viewers but I didn't want to gain them like that. Not because of some guy. I mean, he wasn't just some guy, he was Lando Norris, my ex crush. Nowadays probably a huge crush of a lot of girls. This was still something surreal to me.

– Okay, Storm. We're going out tonight – Laura mumbled after she ended the call. She ran her hand through her hair before she looked at me with loud exhale.

And there I was. Sitting oddly by the table in my stained black tracksuit.

– Work? – I asked with one eye closed, waiting for a lot of shouting from her. She loved to do that after a call with her big boss. He was pissing her off.

– This new pair I was working with decided to resign from purchasing the apartment. We were meant to meet tomorrow to finalize the payment and stuff. Fuck my life – she placed her head on the countertop.

– That's just a bad luck, babe – I murmured with a sigh and closed the laptop.


We ate our dinner and decided to get ready to go out. Laura was looking incredible without even trying but I had to take a long shower and do my makeup.

– You look gorgeous – Laura stated when I entered the living room in my long, black dress and high heels.

– Nah, you look better – I argued, taking my purse in my hands. She was wearing a beautiful red dress and her blonde hair was put in a high ponytail.

We decided to go to Jimmy'z, as it was her favourite place in Monaco.

When we arrived there, we ordered the strongest drinks almost immediately. It was Monday so there wasn't as many people as it was on the weekend. But let's be real, it was Monaco. There are never ending parties.

– Tough day? – the bartender asked Laura as she drank three shots of vodka in like ten seconds. I was just looking at her in shock.

Her commission from this failed deal must've been huge.

Written in Books [ENG] | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now