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London, England

Britain has never been known for its warm, sunny summers, much less springs. However, this year's spring turned out to be exceptionally warm. London's streets were filled with teenagers and parents with their little children enjoying the weather. Everyone was trying to enjoy the freak of nature except for two nineteen-year-old girls who were spending the weekend in the countryside outside London at Stormi's grandmother's house, where they could barely get range on their phones. The girls had been best friends since kindergarten, where they caused a lot of trouble for their caregivers. What they liked most was escaping to the kindergarten playground, where they hid from their caregivers until they called their parents.

– Storm, look at this shitLaura exclaimed excitedly, shoving the phone in front of her friend's eyes.

– I can't see from this close! – Stormi muttered dissatisfiedly, pushing Laura's hand away from her face. Laura just rolled her eyes.

Stormi was always the quieter girl. She was always neatly dressed, smiling broadly and nice, unlike Laura, who was always coming up with stupid ideas.

– Someone wrote a book about Lando Norris under a pseudonym on some website, and it became quite viral there. Now publishers are looking for the identity of the author to publish it on paper – Laura announced, not even giving her friend a chance to see the post. She scrolled further, and the words she had spoken a few seconds earlier evaporated from her mind, focusing on something else entirely.

Stormi, on the other hand, stared at the light pink wall in front of her in complete shock. "Adventures of Molly," which was the name of the book mentioned by Laura, was her book. She wrote it out of total boredom, wanting to do something while Laura was busy with her boyfriend. Stormi invented another reality in which she took on the role of Molly, who meets her favorite Formula 1 driver, Lando Norris, and after some time they both fall in love, experiencing various challenges together. The blonde had no idea that her book would turn out to be such a hit.

At that point, she was wondering if she should answer those publishers. She was afraid to do it, but it was a one-in-a-million chance for her. She was able to officially publish her book. "Adventures of Molly" would be on store shelves, and she could admire them and be proud of herself. But what blocked her was the fact that her family and friends would find out about it. Especially her grandmother, who would definitely make fun of her fictional story. Her parents would probably be proud of her, or so she thought. Stormi's parents died in a car accident when she was twelve, and her grandmother has been taking care of her since then.

– It's my book, Laur – she choked out, gaining Laura's attention, who looked at her for a moment in confusion.

After a while, everything clicked in the brunette's head and her lips turned into a capital letter "O". She couldn't believe that her best friend wrote a freaking book.

– No fucking way! – Laura exclaimed, putting the phone aside. The girls were sitting on the bed in one of Stormi's grandma's rooms.

– Shut up, my granny is next door – the blonde panicked, slapping her best friend's shoulder.

– No fucking way – she repeated quieter, looking at Stormi with wide eyes.

The girls' conversation about Stormi's book lasted for a good hour before they decided what to do next. Laura immediately wanted to start negotiations with publishing houses, wanting to fight for the best conditions for Stormi.

– How should we name the main character again? I can't leave it with Lando Norris, for fuck's sake. That's so embarrassing – Stormi muttered, smashing her back onto the bed.

She was mentally exhausted.

– I don't know, girl. Out of the two of us, you're the one with a better imagination – Laura mumbled, lying beside her best friend.

Stormi rolled her eyes. She was scared for what was coming next. Would her story still be so popular when she put it onto paper and changed some of the main characters' names? Would she become famous? Would her friends and family make fun of her?

– Please, promise me that we'll do everything to stop people from talking about how this story was originally about freaking Lando Norris – the blonde looked at her friend with shame. She was really regretting naming the main character after her favorite F1 driver.

– We'll make sure that the publisher takes care of that. I'll always have your back, babe – Laura smiled brightly at Stormi.

And this is how their story began.

Written in Books [ENG] | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now