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I never thought a broken heart could hurt this much. When he walked away, accusing me of something I didn't do, it felt like my world crumbled around me. I loved him with everything I had, and in return, he gave me pain and doubt. Every night, I lie awake, remembering the times when we were happy. His laughter, his touch, the way he made me feel safe-it all feels like a distant dream now, something I can't reach anymore.

We used to be so happy. He was my everything, and I was his. Or so I thought. I trusted him more than anyone, believed in the love we shared. But now, those memories are tainted with the bitterness of our breakup. My grades have slipped, my focus shattered by the constant ache in my heart.

Trusting people feels impossible now. My best friend or the one I thought was my best friend, the one I confided in, turned out to be jealous and betrayed me. She fed him lies, and he believed her. How could I have been so blind? How could I trust so easily, only to be left feeling so empty and broken?

I still love him, and that's what hurts the most. Despite everything, my heart still longs for him. But I know that love is now mixed with the pain of betrayal and loss. I wonder if he misses me, if he regrets believing those lies. Or if he's moved on, leaving me to deal with the broken pieces of my heart alone.

Every day is a battle to find a reason to smile, to find a way to move on. But as I stand here, surrounded by the shards of my shattered trust and broken dreams, I know that healing will take time. And even then, the scars will remain, a constant reminder of a love that was once beautiful but is now lost in a sea of pain and betrayal.

The days turned into months, and the pain that once felt unbearable began to dull, but it never truly went away. I tried to pick up the pieces of my life, focusing on my studies, my work at the hospital, and the small moments of joy that my kitten, Jirou, brought me. I learned to smile again, though the smile never quite reached my eyes. The memory of our breakup lingered like a ghost, haunting me in the quiet moments when I was alone with my thoughts.

One day, while sorting through my old belongings, I stumbled upon a box of mementos from my time with him. Letters, photographs, small tokens of our love-they all lay there, wrapped in bittersweet memories. I picked up a photograph, tracing the edges with my fingers, and felt a pang of longing and regret. How had things gone so wrong?

I had learned to guard my heart, to be wary of who I trusted. The betrayal of my best friend had cut deep, leaving scars that would take a long time to heal. The jealousy that had poisoned our relationship had taught me hard lessons about love and trust. But deep down, I knew that love was still a part of me, no matter how much it hurt.

As I packed away the memories, I felt a strange sense of closure. I wasn't ready to forgive, and the wounds were still fresh, but I knew that life had to go on. I had to go on. And perhaps, someday, there would be a chance for healing, for understanding, and maybe even for love again.

But for now, I was focused on finding myself again, on rediscovering the strength and joy that had once defined me. I knew that my story wasn't over. There were still chapters to be written, still emotions to be explored. The pain of the past would shape me, but it wouldn't define me.

In the distance, a new horizon awaited. A sequel to my story, where I would face new challenges, forge new connections, and maybe, just maybe, find the redemption and love that my heart still craved. It wouldn't be easy, and there would be more tears to shed, more battles to fight. But I was ready to face whatever came next, with the resilience and hope that had carried me through the darkest days.

And so, with a deep breath and a heart still mending, I stepped into the future, ready to write the next chapter of my life, one filled with promise, healing, and the possibility of new beginnings.


Midnight Regret | SANO. Manjirou (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now