Chapter twenty two

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The car comes to a stop in the driveway, I can't help but feel a nagging sense that something is off. Dinner had been wonderful—filled with laughter, good food, and the kind of warmth that made everything feel right. But ever since dad got back with Mikey and Sasuke, Mikey had seemed… different. He's quieter, more withdrawn, and I can see it in the way he keeps his eyes downcast, avoiding meeting mine.

My parents get out first, my dad stretching as he lets out a satisfied sigh. My mom is still smiling, humming a little tune under her breath as she gathers her things. I watch them head toward the house, their figures silhouetted by the porch light. For a moment, I think about just following them inside, letting the night end on a high note. But I can’t ignore the unease bubbling in my chest.

Sasuke is about to walk past me toward the house when I grab his hand, stopping him in his tracks. He turn to look at me, his expression unreadable, but I can feel the tension between us.

"What did you say to Mikey?" I ask, keeping my voice low but firm.

He blinks, feigning confusion. "What are you talking about?"

I ain't buying it. "He looks more uncomfortable now. I know you said something to him. It better not have been awful."

Sasuke scoffs, pulling his hand away. "I didn’t say anything. But I wish I had. There’s a lot I could’ve said."

I roll my eyes, frustration simmering beneath my calm exterior. "Ever since you and Dad got back with him, he’s been more stressed. I know you did something."

Sasuke shrugs, his tone dismissive. "I don’t know. Maybe he’s just being dramatic, looking for your attention."

"Stop it, Sasuke," I snap, my patience wearing thin. "Don’t tell him awful things. I don’t want Dad to suspect anything."

He meets my gaze for a moment, then gives a small, almost reluctant nod. Without another word, we start walking toward the house. I try to push the conversation out of my mind, but the unease only grows stronger.

When we reach the front door, Mikey is standing there, still holding Jirou in his arms. The kitten is curled up, content and unaware of the tension around him. Mikey looks at us—at Sasuke, really—and I see the way he braces himself, like he's waiting for Sasuke to say something, to throw another harsh word his way.

But Sasuke just glares, his expression hard as he brushes past Mikey and disappears into the house. The door creaks slightly as it closed behind him, leaving me and Mikey standing alone in the doorway.

Mikey doesn't say anything, and I don’t know what to say either. I can feel the weight of whatever had happened between him and Sasuke, but I don’t know how to lift it, how to make it better. My mind races, trying to piece together what might have been said, what could’ve caused this shift. Did Sasuke say something hurtful? Was Mikey just trying to keep the peace by staying quiet?

I reach out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from Mikey’s forehead. He finally meets my eyes, and in that moment, I can see it—the doubt, the worry, the feeling that he somehow deserves this, whatever 'this' was.

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