Chapter twenty one

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As we all settle down to eat, the clatter of utensils against plates fills the room, mingling with the aroma of freshly cooked food. Mikey sits across from me, his posture stiff, and his eyes flickering nervously between my parents and Sasuke. He's trying to make himself small, invisible almost, but I can see the effort he’s putting in to appear composed. My parents, oblivious to the tension between Sasuke and Mikey, engage in casual conversation, their voices warm and welcoming.


Pass the salt, please," Dad says, glancing at Sasuke, who hands it over without a word. There's a fleeting moment of eye contact between Sasuke and Mikey, but it’s heavy with unspoken emotions.

Dad breaks the silence with a sudden thought. "Sasuke, you never mentioned that your friend was coming over," he says, his tone light but inquisitive.

Sasuke shifts in his seat, his usual confidence faltering slightly. "He was in a hurry," he replies, not quite meeting Dad’s eyes. "He has some business here."

"Oh?" Mom’s voice carries her curiosity. She turns her attention to Mikey, her eyes warm with interest. "You’re not from around here, are you?"

Mikey clears his throat, sitting up a little straighter. "No, ma’am," he says politely. "I’m from Tokyo... Shibuya. "

Mom’s smile deepens, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Just call me Yumiko. ‘Ma’am’ makes me feel so old."

I can’t help but notice the slight shift in Mikey’s expression—he seems relieved by her kindness. He nods, a small, almost shy smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Thank you… Yumiko."

Dad leans back in his chair, regarding Mikey with a thoughtful look. "So, how’s Tokyo, Manjirou?"

Mikey glances at me briefly before answering. "It’s good, sir."

Sasuke snorts softly, his skepticism barely concealed. "Nothing’s changed since my visit, right, Mikey?"

Mikey shakes his head, his voice quieter. "No, nothing new."

Dad’s gaze lingers on Mikey for a moment before he smiles, leaning forward slightly. "Your other name, Mikey… It isn’t very common, is it? Sounds almost foreign."

Mikey nods, seemingly more comfortable now as he explains, "It’s a nickname, sir."

Mom chuckles softly, turning her attention to me. "Bunny, why are you so quiet today? Usually, you’re the one who keeps the conversation going."

I blink, caught off guard by the sudden shift in focus. "It’s nothing, Mom," I say quickly, forcing a small smile. But my voice betrays the heaviness in my chest. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, especially Mikey’s, who seems more worried now than before.

Dad gives me a soft, teasing smile. "I think my angel is mad at me for not taking her to Osaka Castle Park to see the sakura trees blooming... like every year."

A laugh escapes me before I can stop it, a mix of amusement and disbelief. "I thought you forgot about that, Dad."

"Never, my angel," he replies, his tone affectionate. The way he looks at me, with so much warmth and love, makes my heart ache a little less. I know he’s trying to make me feel better, to draw me out of my thoughts.

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