|13| Lost Sweetheart.

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(A/n:- Get your headphones it's gonna be a club night tonight🥳🥳. )

Harahada's POV.

After spending some time on beach in morning we explored some churches and forts in the afternoon.

Right now, we are getting ready as we planned of clubbing tonight. Vivan bhaiya booked 2 cars for us as one more member joined us and all of us can't fit in this one thar.

1 car already left leaving me shaurya and Anuja behind. I grabbed my purse in my hand and the phone on my bed buzzed. It was Shaurya.


Shaurya: How long are you gonna take?

Harshada: As much as I want.

Shaurya: Fine! I'm leaving with Nuja. Come by yourself.

He said and disconnected the call. My mouth formed a big 'O' in disbelief. "How dare he!" I threw my phone on the bed saying this and looked at myself in the mirror again.

"Beautiful as always." I winked my self with a smile and grabbed my mobile again to leave.

I closed the door and walked downstairs to catch a cab. I was busy lost in managing my hairs when my eyes went on shaurya waiting downstairs with one hand in his pocket and one grabbing his mobile. Looks like he was using his mobile few seconds ago but right now his eyes were just on me.

I smirked a little and walked downstairs towards him. He's looking at me as if I'm the most preetiest girl he's ever seen. I was standing in front of him and still, he kept looking at me with those gaze without blinking.

I snapped my finger on his face making him come out of his world.

"You were gonna go? With Anuja right Mr. Singhania?" I teased.

"I was just joking. I don't wanna get killed by your brothers." He said rolling his eyes and started walking to towards the car.

I chuckled seeing him so scared of my brothers. Well he should, better for him. I walked behind with a smile seeing him so hard trying to act cool.

Author's POV.

Harshda and Shaurya's car reached the club. Shaurya was getting a bit closer to Anuja making harshada a bit jealous. They were unaware about what feeling they're growing towards each other which they might realise soon.

Shaurya opened the door for the girls to come out and offered one hand to Anuja. She politely took it and got down the car making harshada giving death glares to Shaurya. Shaurya noticed her glares and offered one hand to her as well with a fear grin.

She rolled her eyes ignoring him getting out of the car and walking inside the club.

She entered the club when her phone rang. "Why is he calling me now?-" she stopped in midway from talking further as she thought it was Shaurya calling her but to her surprise, it was someone from past.

"Heyy!!! How come you called me today Aryan bhaiiii??" She was amazed as they were talking after a long time.

"*Coughs* Jara piche toh mud kar dekhna." She heard a voice behind her and turned immediately. Looking at the person standing behind her with a grin on his face she jumped in a hug into him.

"Woah, woah!! My spine might have broke with this much of weight of yours." He teased her and she punched his arm playfully.

"What do you mean!! I've grown up into a sexy woman!!" She said placing her hands on waist flaunting her figure.

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