Chapter 14

14 2 0

Akana POV

A Blade protrude from Gojo's chest, now covered in his blood. 

"GOJO!" you stuttered, fearful. 

Gojo turned to his attacker, a bead of sweat rolling down his face. his attacker had a muscular build and black hair. He also had a notable scar on his lip.

"D-do i know you from somewhere..?" the white-haired male asked, a pained smile on his face. 

The man hummed as he looked at Gojo. "I'm not one to remember names either" he grinning. 

My golden eyes widen in shocked. 'It's the same guy as before?!'

As Suguru pulled me close into his chest to shield me and Suguru quickly summoned a cursed worm, which attacked the man. "Satoru-!" 

"Relax!" Gojo held his hand up, stopping us from coming any closer. 

"He didn't hit anything vital. you guys just worry about getting Riko to tengen" He told us.

Suguru's worm suddenly exploded, its purple guts falling onto the ground. it then revealed the man. this time, he had a weird worm thing wrapped around his body. 

"But-" I cut of by Gojo.

"Go!" Gojo shouted. The four of us ran off, heading towards Tengen.


"Riko, Kuroi! We've gotta get down to Master Tengen!" Suguru and I sprinted towards the place the vessel and her caretaker had run off to. For some coincidental reason they had discussed an exact hiding for them to take shelter to just in case something happened on the plane home.

They felt grateful that not even us seemed to notice their getaway.

Thankfully our getaway proved successful since the impaler was distracted me, and completely unaware of Riko.

Kuroi climbed out of the hidden cellar first, before reaching her hand out to assist Riko. Their expressions spoke of pure terror and dread. But, only Riko's face showed signs of sadness, marked by the tear stains on her rosy cheeks.

"Is Satoru gonna be okay?" Riko whispered under her breath, her concern for Sator stretched beyond her care for worrying his twin. She first-hand witnessed a person who could never be touched, suffer a sword pushed clean through them.

I warm smile towards Riko, "He's gonna be fine, don't doubt him." Her hand waved off the child's worries as her own doubt began to settle in. She could feel how growingly tired Sator was becoming, and that meant he didn't have much longer to go. 

The building next to them crumbled, dust and debris dropped in every direction. Suguru immediately pushed the group forward. The air became heavy and less opaque.

We found ourselves relying on Suguru's instincts as he guided them towards the nearest school building. He yanked the door open and allowed for everyone to run through before turning the lock on it.

The only worry now was finding the infamous Tengen door that moved every day, and not how likely they were to be hit accidentally. Tengen's door was never placed in the same location more than once. 

Which is why Suguru grew increasingly more thankful that Yaga had let him know exactly where Tengen planned on stowing away this door. Which ensured that they weren't wasting precious time on opening every door in the school in search of Master Tengen.

Suguru knocked onto the hard wood in front of him. If he followed Yaga's instructions to the exact then. The door creaked open before the group. Revealing the blinding white interior of the elevator that could only remind someone of emptiness. 

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