Death Becomes Him

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It's not all of the time that one is born to experience all worlds, but in this reality, I'm somehow that first.

My mind always rewinds events since the beginning of my existence, and I watch all of them unfold, not in front of my eyes but in my conscience.

From my first heartbreak to my saddening days, covert anger, and unwanted jealousy, I've seen them all because I feed off of all those memories to resent feeling emotions even more.

Hey, that's why I'm fucking pessimistic all of the time and crying; nothing good ever seems to happen, and I'm left enduring scraps of misery. I'm jealous.

How come my other phantoms can experience all sentiments and even absorb love as one of their own? And I'm fucking left here, taking all of their bullshit to fuel from.

Hell, I'm not even supposed to see them. It's written in the quantum of reality, where all phantoms get no access to seeing others, yet somehow my parents manage to fuck up and leave me hidden here, angry.

I wish to be like the others in my world, but I was born not to be.

"It's death," my aunt contends hauntingly as she stares at me without sympathy.

My mom just finished delivering her child. Yeah, in front of all of them. It was kind of weird, but it was the only way to be hidden when all of this is forbidden. No spectator gives birth, and somehow I'm the one responsible for what they have done.

"What does that mean?" my dad asks from beside my mom, holding her hand.

Somehow, he still has the audacity to talk, even if he's the one at fault. I hate him, and watching him be a menace in a division he's not supposed to be in angers me. Yeah, I call him that.

My aunt stands after preparing me and walks closer to my parents, holding me in her arms calmly.

And of course, nothing else is expected other than shock, as my mom took a glance to see my horrid body. I'm decaying, and I'm nowhere near happiness but rather crying out of pain.

I hated it, and they took no time to neglect me.

"It means that he'll be able to control Nolan's sadness into something destructive," she starts. "That's why he shouldn't feel it all of the time."


Both my parents look at her for an immediate answer as I watch them plan for my rejection again. "We need to keep him hiding in the dead world and not feed him into knowing his abilities," she continues.

They look at each other satisfied with that solution, hopeful that it'll end up with me altering worlds, but it's already in the prophecy, and it's hard to deny.

I was born differently—not to live. That's why it was easy for them to keep me sheltered in silence and be like the other dead phantoms here—alone and crying over heartbreak all the time.

But be real, it's already modern, and fuck that. It was never going to happen, and soon enough, I was fed into knowing everything I should know and having the power to be where my other phantoms are.

Anger didn't stop there as I watched them do their scheme and open a portal to deliver me here, unwanted.

Some people wouldn't think it was possible. Little did they know, there's an escape route in every world. No one was just able to succeed, which is why it's not bothered to be talked about.

Except for my dad, who went from living to spectating. He's the reason for all of this, or so I convince myself.

They first settled my mom to transfer her phantom into the living so that both of them could live there away from all tragedy.

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