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It was a Friday morning at the precinct. The bullpen was decked out with Thanksgiving decorations—turkeys, autumn leaves, and garlands as Charles walked in, heading straight for Y/N and Terry.

"Hey guys, happy turkey day!" Charles exclaimed, his face lighting up as he set his briefcase down. "Have you checked your emails yet?"

"No, why? Did 'Beige Boy' magazine finally get back to you?" Y/N asked hopefully, opening up her emails.

Charles shook his head disappointedly, "No, it's an invite to a Thanksgiving barbecue hosted by Commissioner Raymond Holt. 'Your presence is requested.'" He pointed to his phone.

"Oh, no way!" Y/N's face lit up as she read the invite, her brows furrowing as she continued. "'...Take exit 23B, then turn left at the maple tree. Drive exactly 2.3 miles and turn right onto Elm Street. My house is the 5th one on the right, marked by a blue mailbox. Please park only on the even-numbered side of the street...'" She read.

"Damn." Terry's head cocked back at the ridiculous instructions.

"It looks like it's going to be a pretty formal event for a barbeque," Charles scanned the email.

"Yeah, I mean, nothing screams formal like the font Comic Sans," Y/N pointed out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh!" Charles' brows raised. "Do you think Jake is going?" He changed the topic.

"Probably," Terry bobbed his head. "The event was sent to ninety people—and one dog." He pointed out. "So, yeah, Jake's definitely in there."

"Great, this calls for my best tweed suit," Charles beamed as he rubbed his hands together. "I'm talking full-on bow tie and everything!" He chimed.


"I know," Charles sighed happily, "I just love Thanksgiving. Gobble, gobble, gobble, am I right?" He added as he took a seat at his decorated desk.


With the afternoon approaching, the detectives couldn't contain their excitement about Holt's Thanksgiving barbecue.

Meanwhile, in Nat's bedroom, she worked on setting up the green screen while Tyler adjusted the camera. The pair exchanged awkward smiles and brief, sidelong glances before Tyler's phone beeped with a notification, breaking the tension.

Tyler looked at her screen, "Mac just messaged me. He'll be arriving late," She notified.

"What? No," Nat grumbled, spinning around to face Tyler as the green screen fell. "We need him here to shoot this kiss scene. Did he at least give you a time?"

Tyler examined the message, "No, but he did include a black square with a question mark in it," She pointed out, her brows knitting at the symbol.

"Ah, dang it to heck." Nat shook her head with a sigh. "Looks like we're playing the waiting game for Mac." She gave a casual shrug, trying to mask her stress. "No worries."

She had several worries.


Several hours had now passed, and with the afternoon sun setting, Tyler and Nat were still waiting for Mac. They checked the camera multiple times, adjusted the green screen, and eventually settled into making friendship bracelets.

In another room, Y/N and Rosa were busy getting ready for Holt's Thanksgiving barbecue. Rosa stood in front of a mirror as Y/N was in the bathroom, "Hey, gorgeous, should I wear the leather jacket with the bloodstains or the one without?" Rosa asked.

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