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It had been three weeks since the media club's end-of-semester showcase, and with Nat's seventeenth birthday—and Christmas—just around the corner, excitement was in the air.

Nat, balanced on the edge of a chair, adjusted one final strand, as Gino eyed the decoration with a raised eyebrow, "Wow, these decorations are very... something," He deadpanned, standing back.

Without missing a beat, Nat hopped off the chair, "Gino, I don't give a frickle-frackle what you think." She shot back, brushing off invisible dust from her hands. "These decorations are dope."

Just then, Rosa and Y/N walked into the living room, Y/N's face split into a grin, "Wow, bug, this place looks seriously party-ready!" She exclaimed.

Nat's lips curled into a smile as she glanced toward Gino, who responded with slow, sarcastic applause.

"Well, in case you care about more than just looks," Nat began, stepping over to the food table. "We've got cucumber sandwiches, spring rolls, mini pizzas, and birthday cupcakes. So, yeah, we're all set for a wild—but totally responsible—night."

"Good," Rosa's lips twitched ever so slightly in the corners. "We're heading out now, Mija. Don't burn the place down." She added, grabbing her bike keys.

"You got it." Nat bobbed her head.

"Alright, have fun," Y/N gave a fond look over her shoulder, already halfway out the door.

"I will." Nat gave the pair a thumbs up before the door clicked shut behind them, and almost instantly, she turned back to Gino with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. "Okay, let's get this party started!" She announced.

"Yeah!" Gino matched her energy, pumping his fist in the air.

Nat leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper as she crouched near a cupboard, "Don't tell anyone," She began before emerging with a grin, holding up a box. "I brought something that's going to make this party amazing..." She paused. "Extra-large rolls of paper towels."

Gino blinked, staring at the box, "Paper towels?"

Nat's grin never wavered, "Yeah," She said like it was obvious. "You never know when someone's gonna spill something."

For a moment, Gino stood frozen, then slowly dragged a hand down his face, "Amy Winehouse was right..." He muttered under his breath. "What kind of fuckery is this?"

"Hey, you'll thank me later," Nat tossed a roll of paper towels to Gino. Just as she did, the doorbell chimed, pulling her attention toward the front. "Oh, that should be the rest,"

Swinging open the door, she was met by the familiar faces of Mac, Luna, Darcy, and Tyler standing in the hallway.

"Happy birthday!" The four greeted in unison.

Luna stepped forward, handing Nat a perfectly wrapped card, "I made sure it's exactly what you'd want—a card with a heartfelt message and a list of the top ten things I admire about you." She explained. "I even color-coded it!"

Nat's eyes widened as she took the card, "Oh, mama! You really went all out," She smiled, stepping aside to let them in.

Darcy glanced around the room, "Your place is so cool! It's like Beauty and the Beast's palace!" They declared with awe. "Right, Mac?" They added, nudging Mac.

Mac gave a faint nod, though his gaze drifted more towards Tyler than the decorations, "Yeah, it's great," He mumbled.

"Are these festive party hats for us?" Tyler chimed in as she picked up a dino-themed one.

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