Lowkey feelings?

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Colet's POV:

My expression changed for a moment before I took a deep breath and look at the two who are flirting with each other. I stared at Maloi as I comprehend my feelings for her. I knew this was wrong, still I can't help it but to continue liking her. I never planned on confessing my feelings for her because I know everything will wrack in one blink, I expected every single thing if I did that.

I know she likes Mikha. They like each other, isn't that obvious? I thought and chuckled in defeat. MikhaLoi was not really a fan service, but an actions that is true. Their actions with each other are not scripted nor planned, it's made of love. And I respect that. I have no intention of getting Maloi from Mikha.

"I'm just so stupid in that part." I mumbled as I realized that tears from my eyes are started to drop.

I decided to go to Jhoanna and vent up. Yes, she knows about my feelings for Maloi. I couldn't help myself from the pain that I've been going through every single day. Seeing the person I love for years is with someone who she also loves? I can't do this alone.. it's just so funny how the fans were thinking that I'm cool, but I'm too soft for my own problems.

I burst out crying as I realized everything once again. Jho caress my back while I stutter, talking about my side. I was finding enough air for myself as I cry and cry and cry.

Jhoanna's POV:

Here I am, comforting and giving the validation of Colet's been needing since then. I can't see her like this, ate Maloi and Colet deserves more than this. It's just hurting me because I can relate to Colet's situation, a one sided love. Both of them did this accidentally, it's none of their fault.

Ate Maloi didn't know about Colet's feelings, while Colet was developing feelings for ate Maloi accidentally. Who wouldn't fall to ate Maloi right? The one and only Mary Loi Yves Ricalde, a gorgeous, sweet, genuine, kind, and charismatic woman who captures everyone's heart effortlessly.

"Now I get Mikha and Colet" I whispered to myself.

Moments later, Colet's eyes are swollen. She burst out crying to me earlier until she got tired. Now I was just looking at her after I gave advices and comfort her as she vented up. I sigh.

"Do you feel good now?" I asked her.

"Yes. Thank you Jho. I wouldn't be able to become fine if you weren't here with me as I breakdown." She said as I just smiled at her.

"Now, chin up and get some rest. When you go outside this room, forget everything you've been feeling for a while until you get into your room. Alright?" I said.

She nods for a response as she did what I said. Colet went out of my room and I assume that she directly went to her room as well.

Colet's POV:

While I was on the way to my room, someone tapped my shoulder gently. I turn around to see who's that person, and it's Maloi. Here we go again.

"Colet? Are you fine? You seem a bit down.." She said.

I acted fine, of course I will. Why would I not?

"Hey, Maloi. I'm fine, don't worry." I said and smiled.

So many lies, Colet. I'm such a silent treatment giver to myself.

"Are you sure? You can let me know if you're going through something." She said.

I hope I can. Hell yeah, I hope.

"I'm real fine." I smile widely, convincing her that I'm totally fine.. even if I'm not.

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