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Maloi's POV:

Today is Sunday and it's obviously another rest day, but I couldn't do anything! I'm full of boredom. Well what can I do? I would choose to perform for the fans rather than surviving a boring day. I sigh.

I suddenly felt cold. Cold air breezes me before I just realized something. I slowly look at myself.. and I was.. just wearing a bra?

I immediately look at my side if someone slept with me.. MIKHA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I saw Mikhs peacefully sleeping, wearing a hoodie and joggers.

No freaking way.. don't tell me. HOW COULD SHE BE SLEEPING PEACEFULLY IF SOMETHING HAPPENED BETWEEN US LAST NIGHT?! I bit my lower lip and assumed that nothing happened between us. I squint my eyes while I lick my lips as I bite it again.


Maloi's POV:

I gave Mikha a warm and soft smile after I sniffed her neck which made her shocked. I heard her moaned and even cursed after I did that. Naughty girl I was, right?

I saw her looked away and bit her lower lip as she fix her hair. I get it why the fans are going insane for her. Who wouldn't? A tall Mikha Lim, silent angel, gentlewoman, talented, and a heart rob? I chuckled and hug her.

"Can you sleep here with me tonight Mikhs? Pleaseee?" Here I am again, releasing my puppy eyes and gummy smile.

"Why?" She asked shortly.

"I just want to sleep with you" I answered with a soft smile.

I noticed her sigh. I know she couldn't resist me. Resisting someone like me? Hmpff!

"Alright." She answered while I celebrated.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up because of hotness. The temperature is killing me, it feels like hell honestly.

"Really? At this moment?" I mumbled.

I stood up and took off my shirt, revealing only my bra. I also made the temperature of the air-con more high since it was hot. After that, I went back to my bed and continue my rest.


Maloi's POV:

I sigh in relief after I remembered everything that happened last night. I looked at Mikha who is sleeping peacefully and imagining that what if something really happened between us last night.

30 minutes have passed and it was 10:30 ante meridiem. Mikha is already awake and we're having our breakfast with the other members. After we eat, all of us are bored so we just chitchatted with each other.

I'm planning on going outside with the members but all of them refuses except for Mikha. The rest are tired from yesterday. They would've been really tired, thus what's up with me? I ain't tired. Luckily Mikha isn't too, right?

We are now done taking a bath, fixing ourselves, and ready to go! It's currently 3 post meridiem and we're on the way to the mall where we are going. We got no plans since this hangout was not also planned, but all we're going to do is just shopping and eat. A friendly date, that's all.

Mikha's POV:

Me and Maloi are here right now at the mall. She invited me earlier to hangout and I did agree since I was full of boredom at the condominium earlier, same with her.

I looked at Maloi who is getting clothes for herself. How is this girl getting every clothes she sees without even fitting it? I mean these clothes looks real good on her, but she's not fitting even a single clothe.

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