Chapter 2

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Dumbledor asked if he can speak with the girls privatly and they walked out of the greathall into the corridors.

While the girls were talking to Dumbeldor outside, the students were a bit confused. They asked some teachers but they too didnt know the answer to why they are here. "Dear student I see that you are confused." started Professor Mcgonagall "I will explain to you, both girl are from the futur, they were send here to change our futur as well as their futur, as it seams its not pleasent for most of us. They will intruduce themselfs in a few seconds so be patient."

Until the girls came back in the greathall it feel like a eternaty for the students. "Please intruduce yourselfes to the school." said Dumbeldor "Ok I will start, Im Samia Travers but please call me Sam, Mia, Sami, Simba, Amy or Sia. Im 18 years old, I'm in the house Ravenclaw and one of the top Students. I can speak German, Russian, Arabic, French and Hungary. I was born in a Purblood Family." Sam said.

Some students raised theire hands to ask questions. "Let's let Fin introduce herself and then ask the questions." Sam told those who raised theire hands. 

"Ähm well I'm Sofina Shesta and please call me Sof, Sofi, Fin, Fia, Nina, Nia or Fina. Im 17 and in the house Slytherin. Also one of the top students. I can speak Czech, Greek, German, Hungary, French, Spanish and Ukrain. And I'm also a Purblood born." Fin said steping a bit back.

"Ok, ok now we will answer your questions. Not to many please. Ok you whith the pink strand in your hair." Sam said picking a random student. " Why dont you wear your school uniform?" asked the girl. "Well, I think since my third and Sofinas second year we only worn it when we really needed it. And I only wear it now because we didnt have our DADA teacher today." Sam told the girl. "Why does Fin has those scars in her face or those tatoos on her hand" yelled a young girl from the very back.

"Ähm....well I-uhm. I have those scars because of a fight and the tatoo....I dont reallly know why but I really liked those so yeaaa.

 "Ok so who wants to ask the last questione?" The girls asked. A boy with longer brown hair and yellow highlights raised his hand. "Why does the futur need to be changed?" He asked.

"Oh, you see many of our friend's and their Family's suffered and i belive that theire was/is an upcoming war and nobody wants that." Fin said leaving the most important parts why theire might be a war.

I hope you like the story and please leave a comment or a vote. And I'm sorry to those who liked the first story but it was so mixed up that I needed to bting some order in thin and whit this i unintentionally deleted chapter one. So yea I'm sorry. I hope you have a good night/day/afternoon/late morning and have fun. Bye :)

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