Episode 40

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3 months later.

It was 4am when I heard my phone ringing. I ignored it the first time but it was ringing again when I picked it up and saw Hafsa's call.

Why is she calling me at this hour?

" Hello Hameedah" she whispered.

" Hafsa komai Lafiya?" I asked in a groggy voice.

" Sorry for calling at this hour, I need help please." She winced.

" What's wrong?" I asked alarmed.

" Nothing serious just that my water broke and Uncle Ibrahim isn't around. I'm scared Hameedah." She said.

" I'm coming over with my husband, we will take you to the hospital. Just hold on" I stood up and tapped Ahmad.

He was still half asleep when he sat up.

" Is it fajr time? Why are you waking me up" He asked.

" No, Ahmad, Hafsa's water broke and she needs help." I said.

" Where is her husband?" He rubbed his eyes.

" He's not around."

" Hameedah you're heavily pregnant, you have complications and its 4am. Can't she call a family member?" He said

" I know, I know but she called me so that means she trust me, please do this for me?" I pleaded.

" Let's go." He stood up and wore a jallabiyah on top.

I got my hijab from the mat and put it on. I took my phone and we left the house.

We were in her house in less that 2 minutes and we got in. He waited in the living room as I went upstairs to check up on her.

She was lying down on her bed in her nighties when I came in.

" Hafsa are you OK?" I tapped her and she looked at me clutching her stomach.
She shook her head and I helped her get up as I called Ahmad to get her things after putting something more appropriate on her.

She couldn't walk so we waited for Ahmad. He held her hand as we came down the stairs because I was also having some pain but I just ignored it.

If it was in another situation, I would feel weird about him holding her hand.

We got in the car and we reached the hospital in no time. I called her husband and he said he would be back as soon as possible.

We were filling the from at the register when I felt a sharp pain at the bottom of my stomach. Liquid was gliding down my legs as I put my hands on my knees.

" Are you ok?" Ahmad came behind me.

" My water broke" I winced due to the pain.

He called the nurse and I was put on a wheelchair. Oh how circumstances change, I was bringing Hafsa to the hospital now I'm also here.

They took me to a room because i was only 3cm dialated.

" Did Hafsa's husband call?" I asked.

" You are in Labour and you are worrying about someone else. Yes he is on his way back from the airport."

" I have to, this is her first baby and I don't want her to be alone." I shrugged.

" True. I've called Mummy, she will be here after the sun has risen." He said checking the time.

It's past Fajr and I'm still not at 5cm dilated yet. I was quite uncomfortable so I moved to the bouncing ball so the process will be easier.

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