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I finally retrieved a cab and opened the door. I told the driver the directions to my apartment building and he nodded pulling into the driving lane. I rested my head back shutting my eyes letting car's rocking soothe my thoughts as we drove through the city. Before I knew it I was in front of my building. "Thank You" I said handing him the rest of the money I had in my pocket. I climbed out of the cab and started up the stairs to the door. After unlocking the main door I push through and I started trudging up the stairs to the third floor. Once I finally got there and into my apartment I peeled off my pants. I took the rest of my cloths off and walked to the shower.

Turning the knob to warm the water instantly took over me and I could've fallen asleep right then. After fully ridding myself of the smells of the evening I turned the water off pulling the certain open. When I was thoroughly dried I pulled on some sweat pants and I walked to my mattress and fell into it.

Buzz.. Buzz.. The sound of my phone vibrating against the wood of my nightstand woke me up. Who would call at this time of night? I picked it up and there he was... Jesse. I hit the receive button and heard his voice. "Hi" he said in a cute voice that made me smile. "Hi" I replied. "You know I've known you for less then forty eight hours and I really like you. I think your very cute and I want to hug you" before the statement ended I could tell he was shitfaced. "Well, thank you." "Did you make it home safely?" "Yes." "Promise me at the next party you will stay the full time" he pleaded. "Jesse you are drunk" I told him. "Yeah your right why don't you just forget everything I said." That is when my heart broke and I hung up.

Men are weird sometimes they will tell you they like you or even love you but then runaway. So, this made me think do men ever grow up? Once they show that they have feelings they leave and it's strange. Are men really that scared to show vulnerability?

I was huddled over my laptop furiously writing, trying to forget last nights conversation. I stopped for a moment lighting a cigarette. Did he really mean that or was it the alcohol? As I continued to type the screen on my laptop went black and I knew it wasn't the battery... It died. My whole life was on that computer and it died, holy shit.

I jump out of my chair and raced around for my pants and shirt from last night. I threw the clothes on and burned out my smoke, running to the bathroom to through some water on my face and then brush my teeth quickly and I ran out the door with my laptop in hand.

The Apple Store was only a few blocks away from my apartment in the shopping center. As I raced down the sidewalk the cold October air hit me. As I started to approach the shopping square I slowed down. Turning the corner I reached the Apple Store. Surprisingly there was no line and I got in quickly.

"What can I help you with today, Sir?" a representative asked lazily. Reading his name tag I told George what happened. "Well let me see what I can do and I'll be out shortly." I groaned a thank you and walked over to the waiting section and seated myself on the bench. I looked around at the two men and the child that was with them. Where they married? Did one say that the other was cute and then tell him to forget it? I was really beginning to hate myself for over reading into the situation. As I heard the door open I turned my head and to my surprise it was Jesse. Is he here to buy the next I thing or is he tracking me? I humored myself. Once he saw me a sudden look of surprise hit him and he walked out of the store in hurry. Before I could catch him I heard George say sir and he told me I needed a new memory card and that everything on it was lost.

"Thank you for your help" I said politely before power walking out of the store. Once I was outside and greeted by the cool air I picked my phone of my pocket and dialed Jesse's number. I heard the wring from around the corner of the store. I looked over and there he was. In a blue suit and black tie he stood there in the alleyway. "What was that?" I asked raising my voice slightly. He stared blankly at me before responding, "I was simply surprised to see you here this early in the morning." "So you run out of the store?" I asked with a hint of anger. He nodded and said "I'm sorry about the call last night." "I didn't mind until you told me you regret it" sass was pouring out of my mouth. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that" he said sheepishly still not looking at me. "Look at me for god sakes!" I nearly yelled grabbing his attention, "Did you mean it?" "I don't know" he replied sullenly before walking past me and into the parking lot for his car.

HI LOVES! It's getting heated! Three Chapters in and it's already emotional! I love you all Like, Comment, and Fan

The Love Collection ~ Matt Healy x Jesse RutherfordWhere stories live. Discover now