Chapter 15

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Will my uncle recognize me? I am not the blond-haired brown-eyed boy he remembers. The last time he saw me I was five. It has been almost ten years. I will soon be fifteen. The nine-tailed fox has saved me but I still have to heal. I look nothing like he remembers.  I am scared that I will be turned away. The birthmark on my arm, my fathers's jade token from Bushu Siren, and their wading rings tied on a necklace made out of a blue leather strap the doctor gave. Before they were sitting at the bottom of my quilt pouch was the only thing to prove my identity. Once up I show the token of Boshu Siren am led in and taken to the sect leader. This will be the first time I have seen my uncle in years.

The teen who is lead-in has white hair, with red beads braided in it on the sides. There is a red snake fang earring dangling from his right ear. As he walks I see his legs shake, the bags under his eyes are even more prominent with his pale skin. As if he has not seen the sun in years, has glassy pink eyes, and is holding a bamboo poll. Once he's sitting down he takes a necklace off and places it in front of me. 

I pick it up and find two rings on it. One is white jade with blue clouds on it and the other is silver with red flames. I recognize the rings. I helped my brother Lan Po get to create one of them. The silver flamed one was made by my sister-in-law for their wedding day. Why does this boy have it? I thought about asking him when he set a jade token on the table. This token is rare only a select few have it. I pick it up and find my brother's name carved in. Lan WongPo. 

 He has been extremely quiet through all this. Who is this boy? Why does he possess the Lan family heirlooms? I watch as he rolls up his left sleeve revealing a  Lilly birthmark. This has to be my nephew Lan WenYew. He looks different than I remember. I know our appearance changes as we get older. These are drastic, the most drastic changes are his hair and eye color.

I had heard his parents died nine years ago and I could not find him. Were was he all thoughts years? I wanted to ask him but noticed the bandages around his neck, right arm, and chest.  Is that why he's quiet? " (coifing, horse) Uncle Ming,  found you."-Lan Wenyew

After A-Yew said that I pulled him into a hug. I was never going to let him out of my sight again. I wanted to know everything that has happened over these ten years. I had them bring another bed, and dinner for two to my sleeping chambers and sent for a doctor. A-Yew did not look well. If I did not know better I would mistake him for a walking corpse. Then there is the stiff way he walks. As if it pains him.

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