Stay close I'll handle you (2) part1

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Fourth and gemini had been couples for years yet they haven't really said it in public social Media.. Gemini took his phone and chatted fourth (aka his boyfriend)

Fourth blushed thinking. "What the fuck why does he want me so badly..." Fourth said in his head. he couldn't help but think of what they would do. Fourth started to get horny...

As time passed by it was already their break. Fourth saw gemini and prim. And the other actors too. Fourth didn't want to disturb Gemini and looked back to his way as he seemed jealous. Gemini saw Fourth looking away. Gemini wanted to be with fourth but prim was on the way. "Hey gem let's go eat together!" Said prim with a smile on her face. Gemini gulped. "Uhh.. sorry i already have some one to eat with." Said Gemini nervously. And ran to the bathroom. "Weird." Said prim brushing the weirdness off.

Gemini started to take his phone.

Looking through Fourth's phone he seemed embarrassed.

As Fourth got out gemini hugged fourth. "Fotfott!!" Gemini smiled when Fourth was there. He seemed very excited. "Sorry." Said fourth he seemed very guilty. "Its okay babe you dont need to worry you know that i will always give it up on you" said gemini with a smile and went for a big hug for fourth. Then suddenly kissed Fourth's neck. "Hmm! P'gem! Not here!" Said fourth flustered. "Come on!! It's gonna take so long for us to finish work!!!" Said gemini..

They both got in Gemini's car. "Oh fourth how's work on the film?" Said gemini. This seems odd Gemini never actually talked about their work. "Oh. Uhh. Just normal acting" said gemini.



This seems really odd. Inside the car it was very quiet.. this doesn't happen often... Gemini looked at fourth staring. But then fourth kissed gemini hard smack on the lips.


Fourth moaned. Not until then gemini grabbed both of fourths thighs siding up close to gemini. "G-gem... haa... not-" gemini cut off on what fourth was about to say. gemini grabbed fourths neck pulling it inwards to Gemini face.

he brushed his massive hands to fourths smooth thighs. he was wearing shorts at this time...


fourth cant bare it anymore.

"haa...~ gem..." fourth moaned fourth tried to brush him off this body, tears started to form in fourths eyes, he can't Bare the pain Gemini's doing. "mhmm!!" suddenly gemini kissed fourth deeply in the lips, fourth can't bare this anymore " P-please.. stop gem... haa...."

fourth is losing his mind on this kiss. thier tongue switch places to another "b-breath.... please... " fourth begged as gemini brushed his massive hands on fourths thighs and the other hand pulling fourths hair coming in through the deeper kiss.

"gem.... haa...." gemini pulled out of the kiss as fourth breathes heavily out from the kiss..
fourth looked at gemini... "you're mean!" said fourth. gemini licked his lips. and luaghed.
"oh well princess. you enjoyed it didn't you.?" said gemini. fourth blushed.

after that gemini turned on the car. he tried to look at fourth. he seemed like he was sulking. not until the ride. was very slow because of traffic. fourth fell asleep. gemini looked and stopped for the red light. as gemini took a blanket and covered fourth in.

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now