Stay close ill handle you (2) part 4

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as gemini looked at fourth passing out he couldn't think but "would you still love me if i cheated..",,,"would you love me if a left you.." gemini over thinked it all night. and made a decision to take this opportunity unknown.

gemini once again left a kiss on fourths mouth as he left a bruse in fourth mouth. a tear came out of Gemini's eyes as he left a note by side from fourth.

as fourth woke up in the moring naked. he still couldn't brush off what they did last night. not until fourth felt something was missing. "Gem?.." it took a while for fourth to see the note... this is what he is expecting..... as he got deja vu..

he read out the note on his head:

" dear my love , i sorry for you to read this note. my apologies, i left work so you cant find me. try to keep safe i dont want any problems for you to get end up with. I promise I'll find you soon once i get this job done. i didn't want to tell you because i felt bad cheating on you as it was for my job, i didn't want to see you crying infront of me. im sorry my love"

tears went down to fourths eyes. "h-he left me... FUCK THIS I KNOW I SHOULD'VE DATED HIM FUCK YOU GEMINI NORAWIT!" said fourth in an ease of anger.. he couldn't help but felt heart broken... his heart was pounding..

fourth cried through it out. now fourth was scared to find a relationship. he didn't want to get hurt anymore.. He feared as he called his best friend phuwin.

fourth started to cry  again and again.. overthinking of why did gemini left him..
30 minutes later the doorbell rang.

fourth got up still sobbing and opened the door. Phuwin and pond was there. then fourth puts his head on phuwins shoulder sobbing.. "hey.. fourth its alright what's wrong...?" said phuwin... "fuck gemini.. he made fall inlove with him over 3 years and he just wasted my 3 years for nothing. we haven't even talked it all about in on public.." said fourth while walked it through the living room..

as pond was scrolling on Twitter-  "HIA!" said pond in shock while looking at his phone. "oi pond! whats wrong?" said phuwin " P'aof said gemini left gmmtv!" said pond in total shock "he also left in all of his companies! leaving it to his mom!" said Pond trying to explain.

"HA?!-" both said fourth and phuwin. then fourth started to cry again.. "cant this get any worse...?" said fourth... " hey fourth its alright... you know what ill give you some space and leave you some food don't worry.." said phuwin... it seems like phuwin cares about this situation so much. wonder why?

as both pond and phuwin left Fourth's house fourth was left in his living rooming looking blankly in the ceiling.. he zoned out thay he didn't notice his phone was blowing up.
"huh..." fourth looked through his phone. and saw something that shocked him

the total shock of fourths face teared up once he found out that gemini kissed a girl... that was sent to him directly... "what.... no... this cant be ."
said fourth tearing up.. "how could he betrayed me like that..."  the look from fourths face he was devastated.

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now