stay close I'll handle you (2) part8

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fourth held to gemini tightly.. as the wave of air stroke them. "gem..." said fourth scared... " its okay my love don't worry.. " said gemini as they landed on the side of the building...  gemini held fourths hand as they went to a white van.. "Pond?! Phuwin?! P'Love?!" said fourth confused why they we're in there.. "look ill explain later we just need to look through our backs because they are following us" said gemini "P'love have you gotten the necklace that jamie wore?" said gemini- "yes i did all we need is to go to the palace and give the necklace to the one who lost it."  said Love as she gave the necklace to Gemini..

minutes before it they finally got to the palace. gemini looked at fourth. terrified as fourth lookes at gemini. "Fourth.. stay here.." said gemini..  as both Pond Phuwin and P'Love and gemini went out leaving fourth in the van. fourth lookes terrified.. he was happy about finding gemini. but he was scared that he would die infront of him..

Gemini's POV:

as all of them went out they found the boss... Jamies father got in first... "Well? did you think I'd lose in your own game?" said jamies father.. "i might be.. but not for long..." Gemini Started to shoot as the others backed in to shoot for any gang of jamies father. as Gemini's gun pointed out in jamies father he shoots... aiming for the enemy- not until he missed.. "fuck you bastard i told you i will get you soon.".. gemini spoke. "turn  around my dear. you knoe if You dont obey me things will be out of hand.." said jamies father.

jamies father pointed out the gun to Gemini's head as he turned around.  Frightened. he bent down his knee's and raised up both of his hands.
the gun went down to his spine. as Pond Phuwin And P'Love we're in shock as they also got pointed out. "i know i already shot you once but you survived didn't you?" Jamie's father said to geminj while still pointing out the gun in his spine.

Fourth's POV:

The anxiety rushed to Fourth's body as he over thinks whats going to happen.. he took the near by gun as he slowly walked in to the palace. the cold air shiver inside fourths spine as he slowly got in to the back of the palace where jamies dad was about to shoot gemini. fourth looks on the scene right now.  the pain was still in fourths chest as he heard yelling inside that palace.

he looks at gemini getting poited fourth looked in feared the heck out of him.

Gemini's POV:

"I'll give you back the necklace..." said gemini. "Oh dear i dont want that i want you to die." the gun clicks as jamies father was about to kill gemini "Bye by-" fourth shoota jamies father as he fell down. Fourth hides from the back as jamies gang points out everywhere nit pointing to Gemini's friends. gemini lookes at  jamies father as gemini signal's phuwin to get the gun and shoots Jamie's father's gang.

gemini tried to look for fourth as he got to the back. he saw fourth looking in fear. "fourth..." the pale skin from fourths body with cold sweats feared gemini out.. "we have to go.." while the other's we're busy gemini and fourth got out of the palace.- got into Gemini's spare car. "gemini drove to his base- fourth looks terrified.. silence..

as they fot to the base they didn't expect who came.- they got out of the car. as gemini Opened the base. in the shadows. there was Neo. Fourths ex.. "N-neo..." said fourth.. Neo didn't say anything. as he pointed out a gun and shoots gemini on the chest as gemini fell down.. "GEM!!"

neo luaghs. "aww.. are you okay fourth that your cheating boyfriend is gone.? didn't you know he dated that girl from work?" said neo.. looking through fourths eyes, fourth looks at gemini as he held his hands to Gemini. "F-fourth.., N-no.." gemini looks at Neo. furiously as he took out a gun and shoots Neo.. 


"GEM!" fourth looks in shock as blood cane out of neo's body.. gemini passes out.. "GEM!!". fourth can't handle his tears... as fourth leaned in to kiss gemini.. as he pulled out the kiss fourth says "please... I just found you... i dont want you to die in my hands..."fourth said while stuttering.. "I know... your boyfriend wont die... i couldn't let that happen to your pretty face. Gemini said.. fourth looks as he kisses gemini of the lips as he Hug's him "dont leave me ever again..." said fourth.. as they went to a passionate kiss ..


Author's note: Life and relationships might not end up clear but never give it up on one mistake becuase maybe they looked at the  other side of the moon for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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