stay close I'll handle you (2) part 6

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the next moring gemini woke up extra early as gemini kisses jamies forehead.. "big day today.." the smirk came out of Gemini's face- the look didn't have the hesitance to look this way.-
gemini went down to the kitchen cooked something fancy for his "girlfriend"

gemini cooked like a chef like he did to fourth whenever they we're alone.- gemini could imagine the sobbing of fourths face.. he couldn't resist but want to see him it has been a few months after that break up he didn't know if fourth already moved on whats so ever.

Fourths POV:

fourth couldn't help but stare at the window hoping a gemini norawit would pass by.. his saddnes couldn't bare it anymore. he touches the necklace he had found ever since they broke up.

"fuck this life.. why would you break up with me.." said fourth. desperate. he decided to take for a walk. outside and take for an caffeine. he got dressed up and went outside.  he walked for a while in the streets going to the near ny cafe.

and looked around the majestic jazz music made the vibe feel nice..

fourth: "can i buy one mocha please?"

Cashier: "alright one mocha will be right up, you can sit on the table if you want!" with a simle.

fourth walked up to one of the tables as he waited for the drink he wanted... few minutes passed by the server called fourths name as he took the caffeine from her and paied.-

he sat on one the chairs- looking at the nice view from the outside city. not until fourth couldn't stop thinking about gemini ever since. it feels like he couldn't move on about him. he never would've thought why he cheated...  glancing in the city as he saw a familiar guy- slim.. pretty eyes. and wearing a black suit...  PHUWIN!

fourth walked up to phuwin "hey dude whats up" said fourth: while looking at him in his suit.

phu: Oh! uh.. hi fourth.. uhmm i have to talk to you later!-

Fourth: uh- okay uhm..

phuwin is starting to be a little bit weird... Fourth Looked at this fancy Restaurant Which where he had found phuwin it looks  so majestic... fourth just walked away and got to his house...

Later at 8:30 P.M

Gemini's POV:

gemini wore a nice suit. as jamie walked in she looked gorgeous.. "are you ready my love?" said gemini while looking at this beautiful girl... the looks of jamie said it all wearing a beautiful gown with the color of blood red... her makeup as it went all gorg about her. "Yes! im so ready!."  said jamie with a smile.- "wear this blind fold and you're gonna love it.~" said gemini as they went to the fanciest car.

Gemini: "after you my'lady"

jamie giggled as gemini said that.

as they drove for several minutes they finally went to the destination they got. " are you ready babe?" said gemini. "Yes!! oh my im so excited!"
said jamie as gemini removed the blind fold from jamie. Jamie looks at the beautiful place as the atmosphere of the place said it all the jazz music  made it more romantic... it felt like a dream... "Oh my gosh! gem! this is the most romantic place I've ever seen!" said jamie while leaning in for a kiss..  but Gemini stopped her and said- "ah. ah .ah thats for later~"

said gemini with a wink. jamie smirked at gemini as they both walked in to the restaurant. gemini pulled the chair for jamie to sit. "for you my'lady~"  said gemini with a smile on his face. jamie sat on the chair as they called for a waiter.
they both buaght expensive food as it was Gemini's treat for her "girlfriend."  as food arrived jamie took at bite- suddenly something got stuck on her throat.

jamie starts to excuse her self to go to the bathroom as gemini looked at her running into the bathroom. smirked-  as jamie got to the bathroom she chokes her self coughing. endlessly not until a girl behind her back starts to help her.  "calm down there.." as the girl slowly took off the necklace jamie wore.. as jamie passed out- out coming from the vent Phuwin got out  "P'love here!" phuwin thew Love some gloves and tied jamie as they got in the vent"
Gemini got out of the restaurant. walked outside from the restaurant. as he calls someone.

👤: "Hello? N'gem?"

Gemini: " have you got the body?" said gemini questioning the body.."

👤: "yes we did we are going to the palace now"

Gemini:  "alright ill be there-"

Gemini got caught off.- as he looked at the guy as the other guy looked at him blankly.. "Fourth..." Gemini said- as fourth lookes at him desperate... a tear camr out of fourths eyes glancing at gemini... "im sorr-" fourth pushes away geminj as he ran off...

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now