Stay close ill handle you (2) part3

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gemini left.. and continued his work... after that it was already night time. looks of guilt was in Gemini's face. he looks at the side mirror. of what he could've done... desperate.. apart from the guilt that he had done.

gemini drove to his house where fourth was... opened the door. and shut it close... hardly. fourth startled of the loud bang. fourth heard maybe it was because gemini was back. fourth rushed into the front door to see his boyfriend...

'oh! you're back!'

said fourth happily since in boyfriend was back. looking from Gemini's face he seemed guilty.

'hmm? whats wrong?'

said fourth in total care of Gemini's being...
'nothing really.' said gemini. he wanted to tell the truth but he couldn't figure out why he can't say anything... not until gemini threw his suit off aside and throwing his belongings from the side while leaning in through fourth....

'g-gem... what are you doing....' said fourth flustered. gemini was untying his tie. the look of Gemini's ferice face as fourth took a glance...
'ge-gemini~' fourth moaned out Gemini's name
(in Gemini's head) ',fuck...,, he moaned it so cutely... im whipped..' a tone of blush race up to Gemini's face.

"act like i never said this to you..." said Gemini with an heavy breath... "w-what..." fourth felt a riase inside his body as his d went inside him... "A-ahh.!!~" fourth moaned. fourth started to shiver as it just went inside him.. Hot sweats came down..

heavy breaths starts to continue... looking in such mess in the bed... (in fourths head)
"fuckk...~ he did it so hardly..... "... fourths eyes starts to tear up from the pain... "gemm... haa... stop..." fourth can't hold a grip.. he can't do anything at this point... he looked at gemini teasing fourths body as he began to squint his leg's in.. and he passed out...

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now