Stay close I'll handle you (2) part 2

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they drove into this. massive house looking like a sick Palace where princesses live on but like in a modern version of the house. it seems like gemini owned this. bodyguards looked inside the car as they went through pass the security. gemini parked into the parking slot beside the house.

he got out of the car and opened the passengers seat. carefully picking up fourth. slowly moving fourth inside the house. as Gemini puts fourth inside the bedroom. and places him in the bed carefully covering him a blanket for him to not get cold by the aircon.

then gemini got out of the room and went to the dining table. and got to his phone. he took out his laptop and did some working on his acting. he look at the script. seems like an intese kind of script. he closes the email. the. puts away the lap top then began to scroll on tiktok with his secret account.

as an actor of course you cant just use your main account for looking in videos. gemini seemed very careful on things. he scroll scroll and scroll.. until it was already 11 in the midnight. he got to the bathroom and took a shower. and dresses up and got to fourths room seemes like fourth fell into a deep sleep from what happen hours later.

Gemini smiled. and looked at fourth.. and got to sleep... he started dreaming off something..

(in the dream.)

fourth was in this rooftop and looked at gemini.
i loved you all my life but you decided to leave me with that girl?" said fourth while tears started to shread in fourths eyes. he looked again. and jumped off. but gemini couldn't run and fourth fell off the rooftop. gemini started crying in his dreams. he couldn't bare the pain in his chest.

"FUCK THIS... WHY...." as gemini said in the ease of anger and sadness. and things started to fade away turning everything all White.

(end of the dream.)

as gemini woke up he gasps hardly into his breath. he looked shocked. it was already moring. having this kind of dream is kinda odd as this only happens once. he looked at fourth. and hugged him. he didn't want his dream became reality. fourth was shocked on the sudden hug.

"hm? why are you so cuddly this morning?" said fourth and smiled. "i just dont want to lose you" said Gemini while rubbing his face to Fourth's tummy. "eh? lose me what are you saying nonsense this moring?" said fourth confused. "dont worry about it baby... or should i say princess." said gemini while biting Fourth's tummy. "ack! hey! s-stop!!" said fourth.

"come on can we do it right now?" said Gemini while grabbing Fourths waist and slowly leaning in closer to fourth. "h-hey! stop! haa.." said fourth gulping to his saliva. "gem! no! " said fourth being grumpy. never actually thought that gemini would want to do it this early in yhe moring he just actually want to be all cudlly and want some alone time with fourth.

gemini tried to cuddle up with fourth. Gemini was very clingy. Gemini looked at fourth.. "hey... when i do something bad can you tell me?" said gemini.. at the point that fourth was confused why gemini said this. "huh... why are you talking like that did something happen to you?" said fourth confused what gemini is saying.

"nah it's alright just tell me kay?" said Gemini while slowly getting up and kissed fourth in the forehead.. but little did gemini know a whole ass shit is about to happen... a mysterious figure smiled at behind. deadly like a ghost.

when Gemini got into the dining table food was already prepared in the table.. and he started to eat the food. looks so delicious. for a rich man like gemini eating like this... steak with golden flakes by the side.. looks like a dream to have. meanwhile as fourth was still in his room and scrolling into Gemini's phone...

"deja Vu..." said fourth unto his breath... fourth puts a smile into his face.. getting out of the room.. "gem? are you going out for work today?" said fourth.. gemini looked at fourth. "oh yeah we are. why did you want to ask?" said gemini. he thought that fourth already knew but still asked.

after that gemini got to work and kisses fourth for a goodbye kiss. then gemini said "hey im still up for tonight.." with a smirk on his face. fourth looked at gemini. blushed as fourth said "just go to work!" said fourth while having butterflies on his stomach. (in fourths head) 'wait... am i falling for his words...' fourth cant help it no more...

(in Gemini's working place)

as soon as gemini got to his working place he looked at this girl who seems into him. he looks away and got to his script. not until the girl with gorgeous eyes with the lips a the cupids bow looking really pretty... "heyy... i sae you looking at me earlier and i cant help to notice that you look very handsome" said the girl. with a poker face gemini calmly replied. "uh okay." then looked back to his script. the girl was so angry that she cant hold it any longer. she grabbed Gemini's hand "hey.. i know you like me... why can't you give me a little kiss?"

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now