stay close I'll handle you (2) part7

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Gemini held his hand "Fourth stop-" with strength fourth pulled away as he ran off to the top of the building- luckily gemini grabbed fourths waist- "No-! please! dont".. the sudden flashback came to Gemini's mind:

"fourth was in this rooftop and looked at gemini.
i loved you all my life but you decided to leave me with that girl?" said fourth while tears started to shread in fourths eyes. he looked again. and jumped off. but gemini couldn't run and  fourth fell off the rooftop. gemini started crying in his dreams. he couldn't bare the pain in his chest.

"FUCK THIS... WHY...." as gemini said in the ease of anger and sadness. and things started to fade away turning everything all White. "

as he came back to reality "please gem.. leave me- i saw the whole date..." said fourth while tears was in his eyes- "I don't want to lose you- I know i was wrong for it but please dont-" said gemini, the buzz came out from Gemini's phone. "please gem just leave me alone... i dont want to see you i know you've already moved on..." fourth said as he held off Gemini's grip.

"NO- PLEASE DONT...-" the murge of someone shooting felt like something you wouldn't expect.- fourth turned to look at gemini on the ground.. a man with suits came in the top of the building. "GEM!" fourth took an hurry to get gemini on his feet. "Fuckin bastard's! I told you ill get the money!-" gemini says as he got the strike pain on his chest-

Jamie's father got out of the shadows.- "I've seen YOUR plans Gemini.. dont think I didn't know-" said the guy.. "G-gem... what's happening..." said fourth looking in shock..."Don't worry ill get into it" another buzzing came out of Gemini's phone

👤: "Hello?! Gem!"

Gemini: "i can't talk right now!"

👤: "Oi... gem i told you not to follow!"

*cut off*

"there is no one to save you..." said the mafia boss.. fourth looked at gemini.. "Look I told you not to think about anything about it." said gemini to the guy's "Think?!- YOU THINK THAT SHIT IS GONNA WORK?!" yelled the man. "I might not the same thing you've seen but i will give you one last chance to yell and your body will be all mine Gemini. Norawit."

gemini stood up. while holding his chest "Gem! no! you cant stand up.." said fourth... "Oh? is this you lover.?" the man laughed hysterically  as he points the gun to fourths head as well as the guys behind his back. "No.! no! you cant shoot him!" said gemini holding back fourth.. "Gem... this isn't safe...."  as fourth looks at to Gemini's eyes. "i know i need a better plan"said gemini- not until a movement came out from the back door. the gang looked at the door no one was there- the gang looked it closer as they had the eyes on that door. "look at me fourth hold ne tight.." fourth looked at gemini in shock. " gem... i can't please your hurt..." said fourth. as he looked in fear. "i need you please i also dont want you to get hurt just trust me.." fourth nodded as fourth grabbed to Gemini's waist tightly.

gemini grabbed on his belt as  he hang on the strong wire. it felt like a movie.. as one of the guys looked back at gemini and fourth on of the guys said "Hey! look" the boss looks as he feared in shock "GEMINI I WILL GET YOU!" said the boss

STAY CLOSE ILL HANDLE YOU S2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now