Chapter 1

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Kimberly in pic!!

" Come on kim, stop talking to Blake, he ain't even all that cute, beside we will be late for 1st period!" Said my best friend Jessica, I can never talk to boys while this girl is around!

" Whatever, see you later Blake." he winks at my in a distance while Jessica is pulling me to 1st period.

"Whew we made it before the bell." Jessica hates being late to anything. On my 12 birthday the party invitation said be there at 4 o'clock.... she showed up a hour before.

We take the seats in the back beside each other.

Mrs.Staton starts taking attendance..
"Kimberly Airely"
" Here"
"Jessica Bonfy"

I usually just listen to Jessica and I name and then I tune out.

( 1 hour and 15 mins later)
Thank goodness that class is over. now I have 5 more to go. on my way back to my locker I bump into someone and my stuff comes tumbling out my arms.

" sorry " I heard the voice say
"Here let me help"

I look up and it's the most popular dude In the whole entire school.... Trevor Jackson.

I always wanted to be with him.
But he dates the captain of the cheerleader squad, Nyla, and I really don't want drama.

Trevor and I stare into each other eyes for what seems like forever, until a voice breaks the moment..

" Hey!!"
Omg his girlfriend is coming , but don't worry if she put her hands on my ima put her in check.

" Listen here you dumb b.tch" hold up did she just call me out of my name?

" Hold up first of all I don't know who the you think you talking to cause it surely ain't me h.e, you don't want these hands."

" Why the you staring at my boyfriend for??"

I punch Nyla in her mouth and put her by her hair to the ground cause she clearly need a ass whooping.

" What did you do that!"

" Cause you always act like someone scared of you like go somewhere."

Nyla walks away with a scared look on her face. I hear Trevor let out a "Yes!" But he whispered it, maybe Nyla has been getting on his nerves too.

" Thanks for helping me pick up me stuff."

" Thanks for giving my girlfriend a ass whooping, she needed that." He lets out a chuckle as he walks away.
Ohh I want him so bad.

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