Jason - II

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"Come on, Jason. You really gonna leave me hanging?" Seira said, pouting. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh."I need to grade papers. It's more of a priority than getting drunk." I said firmly, sitting down at my dining room table, opening my laptop. "Please." Seira begged, giving me the ultimate puppy eyes. She always does this. And, I don't know why. It never works on me. "I said no, Seira. Go by yourself." I said, starting to grade the papers. Multiple students had their papers turned in late, which made me frustrated. I scrolled down the submission list, seeing that Sinclair handed hers in a week earlier. Alright, let's see what you got. I started reading my paper, nodding along with the information. She had a few minor errors, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. 98. I put her grade in and sighed, closing my laptop. I tried to be kind to her earlier today, but it obviously didn't work. She still saw me as the cold man everyone else saw. I took off my glasses and gently pinched the bridge of my nose. The next day, I was in my classroom at my desk. Rebecca came in early, walking towards my desk. I raised an eyebrow in surprise, expecting Veronica. What does she want? I sat up and looked at her, my eyes analyzing her. She had beautiful orange curls, a gorgeous face, and..my eyes trailed down. She had a nice body, too. She covered it up with baggy clothes. I quickly jolted my eyes on hers and gave her a nod. "Good morning, Miss Sinclair. How can I help you?" I asked calmly, leaning back in my chair. She let out a soft sigh, making my eyebrow raise more. "I was just wondering if you had those extra assignments." Rebecca said, giving me a small smile. She had these dimples that would deepen from every smile. Every laugh. I wish to bring it out of her more often. "Yes, I have a few worksheets for you." I said, opening a drawer in my desk and handing it to her. I felt her soft fingers grazing mine and taking the papers, smiling at me. Her dimples were adorable. And she's fucking gorgeous. I gave her a nod and quickly closed my drawer, hiding my twisted fantasies. "I'll see you later, Professor Allen." She called out, walking out of the classroom. I couldn't help but be almost entranced on her swaying hips, my eyes widening slightly as I noticed the slightest jiggle of her.. Focus, for fucks sake. I sighed and shook my head, continuing back to work. I felt a familiar feeling in my pants, quickly shaking it off. I decided to lecture sitting down this time, but when Sinclair came it, it was paining me to even sit. My eyes were glued onto her. Her figure. Making me even harder. I needed to make a quick decision. So, partner work was best. I never do it, but it's an easy grade. I sat down at my desk, thinking about anything. Anything else. Rather than the fact that I wanted Rebecca all to myself. Submitting to my control. Fucking hell.

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