Rebecca - IV

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Embarrassing. Just fucking embarrassing. I sat at my desk, using Professor Allen's handkerchief to dry my tears. I felt the eyes of the whole class on me. My phone buzzed repeatedly, but I didn't dare to look at it. Professor Allen looked at me, his gaze softening slightly, but continued with the lecture. I slowly put the handkerchief down on my desk and started typing my notes. I needed to forget. To pretend. After class, I found myself still sitting at my desk. Professor Allen was right behind me, watching me type nonsense on my doc. "Miss Sinclair. What are you still doing here?" Professor Allen asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I tensed from the sudden touch and quickly closed my laptop. "I'm..sorry. I was..." I trailed off, sighing softly and gently rubbing my temples. I felt Professor Allen's demeanor shift, like he understood. Like he...cared. "Rebecca, I understand, I do." Professor Allen said, his voice softer than normal. It was..strange. Different. I didn't hate it, though. I sighed deeply and moved away from him, standing up and grabbing my stuff, but feeling his muscular hand on my shoulder. "Please, I'm sorry. I know..that was intense. It was unforgivable. I didn't mean to take it that far. To embarrass you like that..." Professor Allen said, sighing and running his fingers through his short brown hair. I looked into his eyes, his blue eyes for once not so icy. Not so cold. They were..warm. Light. Inviting. "I'm mortified..I won't be the same. And my classmates won't see me the same either." I said softly, shaking my head and tearing up. Professor Allen's gaze softened fully, and his fingers clenched into fists by his sides. "I swear, Rebecca. I won't let anyone lay a hand on you. Or say anything about you in a degrading way. Do you understand me?" Professor Allen said, looking into my eyes. I turned my head and sighed, but Professor Allen tilted my chin with his finger, looking down into my eyes. I couldn't help but gaze into those blue ocean eyes, feeling myself almost drowning in his gaze. Professor Allen leaned in closer, his hot breath fanning against my lips. "Do you understand, Rebecca?" I nodded, continuing to hold his gaze. The corners of his lips curled up into a soft smile, and he slowly pulled away. "Good. And, again, I apologize for my behavior." Professor Allen said, sighing and walking back to his desk. I nodded and grabbed my bag, starting to walk out of the classroom. "Oh, and Rebecca?" I stopped and turned around, looking at him. Professor Allen smiled slightly and looked into my eyes, feeling those warm blue eyes that started to give me life. "It's Jason. You can call me Jason. I'm not that much older than you, so it feels a bit awkward to have you calling me 'Professor Allen'". I nodded, smiling, feeling my dimples deepening. "Okay, Jason. Have a good one." I said, turning around and walking out of the class.

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