Earth Chapter 17: The Earth King.

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ABC: Person yelling.
(abc): Thinking in thought.
"abc": Doing action.

(Y/N) Pov
After we're reunited with Appa and escape from Long Feng and the Dai Li. We've landed on a small island, somewhere in Lake Laogai. Aang keeps on hugging Appa which he too return the favour, we all smile that they've been apart for too long, now they're together again.

Aang: I missed you more than you'll ever know buddy.

Then Momo, including Kiri joins the hug with Aang.

Momo: Us too!

Kiri: Don't leave us, again.

Appa: Oh, I'm not going anywhere. Come here!

He starts licking them as they're laughing.

Lois: "Admired Appa" Wow, so he's a flying bison? I've never seen one before. He is truly a magnificent creature.

Appa: Oh, why thank you. "Whisper to Kiri" I like her already.

Kiri giggled to Appa, then Sokka turn to face us.

Sokka: Look, we escape from the Dai Li, we got Appa back, I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll.

Katara: One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't much of a roll.

Sokka: We can build on it.

Tin: He's right, if we want to invade and stop the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we need the Earth King's support.

Sokka: See! Tin gets it.

Streaky: What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang.

Sokka: I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. This time will be different.

Katara: Sokka, Long Feng is in control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful.

Krypto: Not to mention, he holds the Crystal of Knowledge. Who knows what kind of horror things he's creating.

Lokesh: Hey! We're not that horrible.

Nidula: But we have been ordered to capture Superdog and try to steal the blood.

Smellerbee: Blood?

Jet: What are you two talking about?

Nidula: Long Feng really want the final ingredient to complete a project that his working on.

Lokesh: But we don't know what it is, it's top secret. We only know this... Project Doomsday.

That name ringing in my head like bells, remembering what I've learn so far.

(Y/N): (Roku: Someone created a monster to end the Fire Nation, but what he doesn't know is that the creature's desire is to end all life on Earth till nothing is left... Aunt Wu: I see a creature was created with the blood of a human and yours to form an abomination that has similar to your abilities... Joo Dee: We're so glad to have you here. "Her smile gets even bigger" So glad... Long Feng: You know, Superboy. I did mean what I said. That it is an honor to meet you here... Kal-El.)

Those words echoing in my head, processing this information.

(Y/N): My gosh... It all make sense now.

Everyone turn to me with a question look.

Sokka: What?

Katara: (Y/N)? Are you okay?

Tin: My sensors indicate that your experience, shall I say... Anxiety.

Lois: (Y/N)? What is it?

(Y/N): "Walk close to the shore" How could I be so blind.

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