Earth Chapter 14: The Tales of (Y/N).

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ABC: Person yelling.
(abc): Thinking in thought.
"abc": Doing action.

(Y/N) Pov
I've woken up from my slumber and getting ready for a new day in Ba Sing Se. Soon Krypto and Kiri, who are sleeping on my bed, has too woken up.

(Y/N): "Stretching my arms up" Aah. Good morning, you two.

Krypto: "Bend his back up, yawning" Morning.

Kiri: Good morning.

(Y/N): Anything you guys like to do today?

They both think then they said exactly same thing together.

Krypto and Kiri: Walk O'clock!

(Y/N): Pff, of course. Let me freshen myself up first.

I got off my bed and head to the bathroom, I took a shower, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Soon the others also get themselves freshen up too for the new day. Aang shaved his head to keep his bald on. Sokka has a tiny moustache, he uses his knife to cut them. Tin oil himself with a can of oil on his arms then drinks it. Finally Katara adjusted her hair, placing her hair pins behind. Now we all went out and go our separate ways, it is now me, Tin, Krypto and Kiri walking together through the city. For few hours of walking, we pass by an alley and then...

???: I said leave me alone!

I stopped on my track and turn around, there was a girl that looks like my age, she's holding an orange cat with a white lightning bolt on the side. The problem was that she's been cornered by a group of teenagers.

Teenager 1: Come on, we just want to play.

Girl: I said, no! So leave me alone.

Teenager 2: Oh, waaa, waaa. What you gonna do, cry?

They're bullying this poor girl, I couldn't stand that and do nothing. So I confront them.

(Y/N): Hey! You heard her... Leave her alone.

Teenager 3: Or what? You're just a kid.

I shoot my laser near their feet as a warning shot. That got them spooked.

(Y/N): "Red glowing eyes" Yeah, I'm just a kid, who could shoot laser beam out of his eyes.

The teenager 2 try to hit me with a bat but it broke in half. He looks at it in disbelief.

(Y/N): Guess, it's my turn.

I raised one finger and tap on his chest that sends him flying and crash on to teenager 3. The first one look so scared, as I approach him with a glare.

(Y/N): If I catch you doing something like this to anyone else again. You'll be answering to me. Now get out of my sight!

He rushes to his buddies and ran out of the alley like running to the toilet. I turn to the girl, who look amazed to see me.

Girl: Thank you. That was incredible.

(Y/N): "Blushing" Um, thanks.

Girl: "Giggled" Your face is red.

I felt embarrassed when I look at myself at a glass reflection.

(Y/N): (Wait. Why am I blushing? I'm starting to feel weird and I couldn't explain why.)

Girl: Say, I think I know you. Is your name is (Y/N)? (Y/N) the Superboy?

(Y/N): I... Umm... Yes! That's me.

Girl: "Astonished" Oh, wow! I can't believe I'm meeting the legendary Superboy, here in Ba Sing Se.

(Y/N): "Chuckled" Well, here I am. Miss... um?

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