Chapter 8: Caleb Hates His Father

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On the next day, Caleb just realised something. Something about his family. He once saw the moment that his mother committed suicide on herself; that happened about a year ago. She was stabbing herself with a sharp, solid knife. Blood was oozing out slowly. She collapsed and her last words she said to Caleb was ' I will always love you forever. The man is careless, evil and quite suspicious. It's someone you actually know... '

He was trying to figure it out right now. It's not Entity, not Naeus... Only one choice left... His father. Herobrine! 'No, it can't be!' he would think. But... He thought about it twice by the fact that he remembered that Herobrine acted too nice and suspicious, his father kidnapped the twins which showed he was careless about their parents AND he told Entity that he could use them both for an experiment and this showed that he is evil! Caleb couldn't believe that his own father would do such thing and that his mother knew what he was planning this whole entire time without telling him. The helpless boy's blood boiled in rage, his face screwed up and was breathing roughly.

" I HATE YOU DAD!!! " he harshly hissed with anger and ran outside the house to go to his mother's grave.

" Mom, you were talking about dad right? " he sobbed." You're right, he is EVIL, SUSPICIOUS AND CARELESS! "

" I HATE HIM NOW! " he screamed with frustration.

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