The Dastardly Duo

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Nobody's POV:

"Our plan is coming into motion, isn't it, old friend?"
The old Chef said with an dark evil undertone.

"Yes... Indeed."
The traitorous grape colored troll said, breaking into an spine chilling maniacal laughter, the Chef also joined in, thunder struck outside, and even the thunder wasn't louder than their laughter.

"From what we've done together, we've made great success."

The Chef said plucking a berry off a little mini bush that Craig had genetically altered,

"Now, once Troll kingdom gets a hold of these, mystery berries.."
The Chef chuckled darkly,

"They'll wish they hadn't... Mwahahahahaa!!!!!"

Craig and the Chef resumed laughing, it once more bounced off the walls of their evil lair.

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