Safe Harbor

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Branch's POV:

The rock troll medics began watching over Poppy as I further discussed the issue over with the other trolls, they said they hadn't seen any signs of sicknesses amongst them, which I suppose makes sense considering this just happened, but then again, who knows when it exactly started, it could've began

while Poppy and I were on our honeymoon, or it could've started the moment Poppy woke up, or maybe too late? Because Satin and Chenille were already sick but not zombified, Smidge looked like she had it for a while, but then again, maybe the virus goes through smaller bodies much faster,

"And you say there was like a tall version of her sister?"

Riff asked,

"Yes, I don't know when she caught it, and why she was so big, I hardly know anything about this sudden development other than the fact that the incubation period of the sickness might be at least 48 hours."

Thrash was still looking down at the ground,

"We should study further, before the sickness gets to our kingdom, thank you for informing us Branch."

"Wait, there's one more thing..."

Trash looked up at me intently,

"There is one more piece of evidence we found, there was a troll on the rooftops of which we escaped, well a cloud, cloud-troll whatever.. He gave us this purple hair and told us someone likely with this strand of hair had done whatever they did to him that caused him to die off."

Riff walked next to Trash and outstretched his hand to the hair, I gave it to him and he stared at it.

"This looks like troll hair alright, but it couldn't be one of us, nobody on the ship has purple hair, you have purple hair but I highly doubt the suspect would bring their own hair as evidence.."

Trash said looking down at the hair in Riffs hand, then turning to me,

"We will gather the nation, take them to safety, there's no telling how the other trolls are doing."

I nodded and Trash had wheeled off with Riff as they discussed plans on how they were going to keep so many trolls safe in one place, I know going to my underground bunker may be a risky move now, but

it's not like it can be accessible from the outside, I reinforced the door a while back but we'd have to sneak in, but then then again, I lived a little far away from troll village, perhaps a reasonable amount of

trolls could hide there, some could go to bergan town considering there are passageways there, but we'd also have to make sure to block it up, then again, the tunnels could also make a good hideout, we'd just need supplies and as such.

Poppy's POV:

I was all out on my own in the middle of the forest, scarier than any forest I had ever went through, and suddenly I heard a familiar tune, A soft whistle from right behind me, then suddenly I was engulfed into darkness, the whistle then got louder and I felt

frozen in place, I knew that whistle, I then heard humming, I recognize that voice, maybe it's someone I haven't seen in a while? But who? I heard every trolls voice in pop village and in the other nations, I should know who this is, then suddenly I was blinded by bright lights and a beeping sound on my left, my vision was blurred and I heard some trolls conversing all around me, I stared at what I could guess was a ceiling, it was a ceiling that looked like it was knitted with the softest yarn in the world,

Am I still dreaming? Wait, what happened to me? Why was I asleep?

I thought internally, a doctor that was nearby looked at me with a sigh of relief,

"Queen Poppy, you're awake!"

A male british voice said in a a silent happy voice smiling brightly, it was then I realized it was one of Barb's Cousins named Fret, he was also a grey troll like barb but he had a reddish hue, and his hair was very long and fluffy, and instead of his hair being red and black like Barb, his hair was like a dark purple with black running down.


I said in a surprisingly raspy voice coughing afterwards, Fret put a hand on my back,

"Hey hey take it easy, you were out for quite a while, your husband was getting worried, you ok Pop-squeak?."

I now remember, everything that happened, where I am,

Barb... Barb I'm so so sorry.

"You had caught quite the fever, but don't worry, with plenty of rest and fluids you should be doing ok in 3 days, it was a fever let on by stress."

I looked at Fret and then back at my hands, there were chords attached under my wrist.

Fret tilted his head to the side and then moved his hand from my back and picked his clipboard up.

"Anyways, I should probably let you rest, if you need anything there's a little bell on your desk."

He said putting some glasses on.

"I'll check back in with you in an hour, there are some matters I must attend to."

I nodded as he lowered the lights and left, finally taking it easy on my eyes from the bright nursing office lights in the room,

I seen the door open wide one more time and it's Branch, looking over at me.


He said in an low voice walking over to me,


I said while smiling, then I started hacking again, Branch pulled me close to him,

"Shhh, you don't need to speak, I only came to check on you hon', are you feeling a little better?"

Branch asked me raising my head up with a single hand to meet his eyes with mine,

I nodded, snuggling into him as he sat on the bed side.

"I was so worried.."

Branch said as he held me even closer to him, but he still sat up meanwhile I was melting into him.

I know.. I was to... Worried I wouldn't see you again.

Suddenly I felt Branch's head turn towards the door.

"I've gotta go Babe, but I'll be back I promise, I want you to get better for me, please..."

Branch said before planting a peck on my forehead and giving me one more intimate hug,

"I love you." Branch said while still connected

I love you too...

Then he slowly uncurled from the hug and tip toed back through the door, giving me a sincere smile before turning the corner. I sent him one back.

I felt myself going back to sleep again, it's not like I can do much right now anyway, my ears feel like volcanos and my body is on fire.

That's when I heard the muffled sounds of trolls going to war outside my door.

Trolls: DisharmonyWhere stories live. Discover now