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ŁI₲ⱨ₮/Tulip Pov- Pov-

We talked about that sudden pain spike for A bit before We decided that It probably had something to do with my past. Although none of understood why there was still a Painful ache left all Over my Body as well as The Strange Black markings. It was night now And both Reaper and Rose were asleep. I couldn't sleep Though. The Ache was to Painful.

Laying down next To Reaper I closed my Eyes. Maybe I could Try to Sleep.

When I opened my eyes All I could see was White. I looked around Confused. Where was I? After a Moment I noticed a Black Crack in the Pure White Area. I walked over to it and Tried Touching Before I yelped in Pain and Jumped Back. Whatever the Black was was really Painful.

I Started Wandering Around When I saw A light Aquamarine color. It was Shaped more Like a Person so I walked up. I touched them as I felt Peace Radiate through me. I sat down Next to them as I smiled softly. Whoever this was They were safe.
After a few minutes They changed slightly to where they looked More Like a person. They looked up and Yelped when they saw me.

"Who are You??" They asked confused. "And where am I?"
"I'm Tulip! I honestly don't know where we are. All I know is that," I Pointed at the Black Crack." Hurts like Fire. Who are you?"
"I-I... I'm Cliff." He said as He looked me Over And I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Cliff!" I exclaimed as I smiled and Jumped up. "I Wonder how I get back to Where I was? Is this A dream?" I asked as He laughed.

"If it is it sure is Weird. Normally I have Nightmares." Cliff said as I frowned.

"What? Why?" He went quiet as I realized that It was personal. "Sorry! I forget not to Ask personal questions sometimes." I said as He smiled softly at me.

"It's Okay. I'd rather Not talk about it though. Are you a Orange Steve?" He asked as I paused before Nodding.

"Yep! That's what rose said I was at least!" I said as he grinned.

"Want to play Tag?" He asked as I nodded before running>
"Your it Cliff!" I said as He laughed and Chased after me. After we Played I felt myself get Tired.

"I'm Tired... Will I see you again?" I asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know. I hope so though." He said as I smiled before Falling Asleep.

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