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Manhattan, New York
Friday, Aug. 30

"Mm, look what the cat dragged in. This bitch finally has time for her friends."

The thick Bajan accent caught Onika's attention as she approached the square table at the far end of Gramercy Tavern's patio dining space where her three best friends were sitting. It had been a while since she'd seen her friends, other than Lauren of course. As she placed her pink Original Clemence Birkin on the table and sat down in the only unoccupied seat, her eyes landed on the slim, green-eyed, Caribbean beauty sitting across from her.

Robyn, along with Lauren, had been one of Onika's longest friendships. The two women met through their families and got along well very quickly. Where Onika was soft spoken and gentle in her daily interactions, Robyn was fierce and not afraid to speak her mind to anyone. She stood tall at 5-foot-8 with beautiful tan skin that was riddled with tattoos and shoulder length hair that had been dyed a bright red color. Much like her personality, Robyn's career was individualistic. She was a freelance makeup artist and model, though she spent more time traveling and shopping than working.

"Some of us are actually busy, Miss Fenty," Onika responded, playfully rolling her eyes in Robyn's direction.

"Busy my ass! You can bump coochies with Lauren all day but can't answer my phone calls and text messages," Robyn frowned.

At the mention of her name, Lauren looked up. "Uh uhn, we are not bumping anything."

"Exactly. I've actually been busy with my businesses. I barely have time to look at my phone throughout the week. Stop acting like I don't love you," Onika said, waving Robyn off.

"Well stop acting like you don't love me."

Onika turned towards the beautiful woman to the right of her. Cassandra, better known as Cassie, had become the newest addition to the friend group in recent years. While in Paris to support Robyn during Paris Fashion Week, Onika and Lauren met Cassie. She was an aspiring model at the time, and the women had quickly taken a liking to her. After a few dinners in the city of love, the three women had welcomed the younger woman with open arms and the rest was soon history.

Cassie was a rare kind of beautiful. She had the perfect face and body for modeling, and her delicate personality matched her looks. She was tall with long black hair and moved with grace that could only be described as feline-like. In the first few years of their budding friendship, Onika found herself crushing heavily on Cassie, but after some serious self reflection and realizing that Cassie was as straight as a ruler, Onika decided to put her feelings aside and keep things strictly friendly. Plus, after her first and only relationship with a woman, Onika wasn't sure if she was truly ready for that side of her sexuality to emerge again.

"Hi, Cass," she smiled.

"Hey, Nic. You look beautiful," Cassie responded, returning the sweet smile.

The four women took the time to catch up with one another. It had been more than two months since they'd all been able to catch each other in the same room. Between their demanding careers and personal lives, they simply hadn't had the time.

"Are you guys coming to New York Fashion Week? I'm walking for majority of the fashion houses," Cassie smiled.

"Wait, when is it?" Lauren asked, her eyes never leaving her phone.

"September 6th through the 11th."

Robyn immediately smiled. "Awww, Cass! I'm so proud of you girl! I'll be there. Do you already have the tickets?"

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