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Long Island, New York
Sunday, Sep. 8

"Are you going to talk or are we out here for nothing?"

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"Are you going to talk or are we out here for nothing?"

Robyn's bright red ponytail swayed in the wind as she stood on the opposite side of the tennis net that occupied the large court on the east end of the Maraj family's yard. Onika stood across from her on the other side, looking down at her tennis shoes while mindlessly kicking the pink racket that dangled from her fingertips.

Robyn had dropped everything that morning to drive out to the Hamptons and comfort her best friend. Onika had woken up in a funky mood after seeing yet another news alert about her two exes and decided to cancel her Sunday morning meetings and skip out on the charity gala she was scheduled to attend. It was unlike her to put her emotions above her business, but for some reason, the constant reminder of the two people she couldn't stand the most had her mind scrambled. Aaron was a worldwide celebrity baseball player, and Draya was only known because of Onika, so the news of their engagement spread like wildfire, and Onika's name was even being attached to the media.

"I'm having the worst day, and I don't even know if my feelings are valid. I shouldn't give a fuck about what Draya and Aaron are doing together, but I do," Onika frowned, looking up.

"You're right that you shouldn't, but it's okay that you do. I mean... you gave that nigga years of your life and you spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on that weird ass girl. Your feelings are valid," Robyn reassured her. "That doesn't mean you have to waste your emotions on that bullshit, though."

Onika sighed. "How can I not? He proposed to her. He proposed to her with the same ring that he gave me. How fucking low down is that? I didn't do anything to deserve what I went through with them. Why do they get to be happy with each other?"

"Come here," Robyn sighed, holding the net down and lifting one of her long legs over it.

She repeated the action with the other leg and dropped her tennis racket, pulling Onika into her arms. Robyn was furious. Onika had a big heart, oftentimes wore her heart on her sleeve, and chose to only see the good in others. Her heartbreaks may have seemed small, but she loved hard and gave her all to whoever she was with, so even then, years later, she was still grieving the loss of her failed relationships.

"God will strike them down for what they have done to you, and for the weird shit that they're pulling now. None of it's your fault. You're a good woman... a bad bitch... you're richer than they'll ever be, financially, physically, and mentally. Don't let this get you down. Their bullshit no longer concerns you."

Onika buried her face into Robyn's chest, silently cursing herself for the wave of emotion that was washing over her. Tears burned at the back of her eyes, and she could feel the tightness in her face as she tried to keep them at bay.

"Nic, look at me," Robyn spoke softly, gently moving the smaller woman forward. She took one look at Onika's red face and tear-lined eyes before frowning. "Hey, what are you crying for?"

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