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Let me just say 😮‍💨 I wrote a part of this chapter with a nice candle burning while listening to the rain... you're welcome.

Manhattan, New York
Saturday, Nov. 16

"Nika, I'm sleepy," Celestine said softly, rubbing her eyes.

Onika smiled sweetly at the four-year-old as she carried her up the staircase. As promised, she'd invited Celestine to stay the night at her penthouse with her and Beyoncé, and they spent the entire day entertaining the child. After getting lunch in the city and taking her to see a movie, Beyoncé and Onika played dress up with Celestine and drew pictures with her before dinner. After dinner, Beyoncé gave the child a bath, and everyone was now settling in for the night. Celestine had begged for a night snack, to which Onika gave in, and she was now taking her up to the guest bedroom to tuck her in for bed.

"Yeah? Did you have fun today?" Onika asked.

Celestine nodded, laying her head on the older woman's shoulder. "Is BB gonna read me a bedtime story?"

"Do you want her too?"

"I'm too sleepy for it."

"I'll let her know, and we will read you a story tomorrow, okay?"

Celestine nodded again. "In the morning?"

"Yes. We'll read you a story before breakfast, okay?"


Onika carried the child into the guest bedroom, flicking on the lights. She pressed the button to make the curtains come down over the large floor-to-ceiling windows, and then carried Celestine over to the large bed, pulling the comforter back. Once Celestine was in bed and laying comfortably against the pillows, Onika tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

"Good night, Tiny."

"Good night, Nika. I love you this much," she said, holding her arms out wide with a tired grin.

Onika's eyes widened a little, and her face softened as she stared at the child. "You love me?"

"Uh huh, 'cause your the nicest ever, and you buy pretty flowers for BB," Celestine told her.

"Well, I love you back, Tiny. A whole bunch."

Celestine giggled and snuggled into the pillows, looking up at Onika. The older woman blew her a kiss before standing up and heading towards the door. She turned off the lights and walked out, shutting the door behind herself. Her heart raced at the interaction with the four-year-old. Her care and affection towards both Beyoncé and Celestine were apparent, but she didn't realize how closely she had actually grown to Celestine. Hearing the child tell her that she loved her had her heart fluttering in her chest. She definitely loved Celestine, but she wasn't sure why it felt so differently from the love she shared with Ming. Ming was her baby sister, and she loved her to death and would do anything to protect her, but things felt different with Celestine. She wanted to nurture the small child and keep her safe from all of the harm in the world. She wanted to be there every step of the way for Celestine. She'd only known her for a few months, but already, the child had made her own special place in Onika's heart.

"What's wrong?" Beyoncé asked, looking up from her laptop as Onika walked into the master bedroom.

The dazed look on Onika's face had her worried. She immediately closed the laptop and sat up, concern filling her own face. Onika closed the bedroom door and looked over, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Celestine told me she loved me."

Beyoncé paused, and for a split second, her breath was caught in her chest. It didn't seem like such a bad thing, but she couldn't decipher the expression on Onika's face, and it immediately caused her to think of the worst. She knew that Onika cared about her baby, and the older woman never seemed to let anyone forget it, but the lack of happiness on Onika's face made her think that maybe Celestine's affection was too much, too soon.

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