Page Eighteen

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My head is spinning and my ears are droning with a constant ring that hasn't stopped since I first met Evelyn Eaton's eyes. All I can think about is how our family mourned when she died, how much of a loss it was to Marcus, to lose not only his second child but his wife, too. But now I see it must have been some sort of scheme, some sort of plan.

And Tobias knew about it all along.

We walk further into the warehouse where the factionless have evidently decided to settle. There are so many of them - more than I thought there could be - and all their eyes follow me. I am dressed in grey, and I am a beacon of what many of them used to be, or wanted to be, but never can be.

Tobias and Evelyn are silent as they walk, side by side, and I follow, my hands coiled so they do not shake. I should not be here; I was selfish, and thought only of myself when I thought of coming here. And, as I have been taught since my youngest years, being selfish has it's reprecussions.

We enter a room full of maps covered in x's and little red flags, walls covered in symbols I don't understand and do not want to understand. My selfishness shows again, like an ugly scar.

"What is all this?" 

Heads twist to look at me, and I notice now that there are many more factionless in this room than I thought. Tobias and Evelyn are silent again, and exchange a look I cannot decipher. Evelyn nods.

"You don't need to know - not yet," she says. Tobias opens his mouth, and it looks like he wants to object, but he closes it again quickly, his eyes blazing.

"I'm sorry," he mouthes at me, but I am not sure if that is exactly what he said, or why he said it, because the next thing I know, a cloth that smells sickly-sweet is put over my mouth, and everything becomes as black as the attire of the Dauntless.

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