°•Riley X Val•°

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This is requested byChuuya_c1mjar

So I have no idea if you want fluff or something,but I assumed by the request you made its supposed to be a little of angst and fluff? So I will try!
And this is gonna be a confession one since it's a ship so yeah!

Description: Val and Riley was practicing in the morning as Riley fell and was embarrassed that Val offered her a sleepover at their room

Scenery:fluff -hint of lemon

Relationship:friends to lovers

-Riley's pov-
'okay,you got this Riley today is where your gonna practice with val,so don't mess it'

I went to the locker room as I saw Val waiting,I greeted her

I made her name a little longer as she smiled and greeted me aswell
"Hey, Minnesota"

I slightly blused as the nickname as I shrugged it off

I opened my locker and putted on my hockey uniform as Val putter hers aswell

-Third pov-
Riley and Val went to the ice skating rink as they went to practice by a game of one and one

Riley was against of Val as she almost scored towards the goal as she fell

Riley shrieked as Val went to her as she worriedly panicked

"Are you okay Riley?!"
Val panicked as they finished practicing and went to the locker room

Val made Riley sat down

"Yeah..im alright.."
Riley touched her neck awkwardly

Val soften as she though of something

"Hey wanna have a sleepover over my place?"
Riley looked at her as she nodded slowly making Val chuckle

"Alright see ya Minnesota!"

-Riley's emotions pov-
Anxiety shrieked as fear joined her of panicking
Joy tried to calm them down

"It's gonna be fine!"

And then disgust came in as she said

"What if Val think Riley is cool guys,chill"

Anxiety didn't stop as she panicked
"W-what if Val finds Riley weird for being embarassed for just falling?!"

She stressed over her self

Anger was already done with them as he sighed

Ennui and envy were just watching for entertainment

Embarassement and sadness looked at them worriedly

Joy had finally calmed anxiety down as she pressed the console

"Alright we have to make Riley happy if she needs to be calm."

Joy face palmed as she made Riley walk to her room to pack her stuff for the sleepover

"Alright,she's set! She will just go to Val's room and done!"

-Third pov-
Riley went to Val's room as she knocked on Val's room,Val opened the door as she let Riley come in

Riley looked at her room amazed by how Val decorated it

"Amazed by my room Minnesota?"
Val chuckle as Riley looked at her worriedly as she panicked

"Sorry! I didn't mean too!"

She panicked as she walked front to backwards as she began to ramble

Val found this cute for her as she put her hand on Riley's shoulder

"Hey,it's alright,now let's just have the sleepover alright?"

Val playfully winked at Riley as Riley's cheeks flushed

Val noticed this as she giggled

A few hours came by the night had taken over as they finished eating,

Val took Riley where to place the sleeping bag, Riley thanked her and began to set it up

-Val's pov-

'Riley is so adorable when she is like this..wait do I like her? No,no- wait I do? Don't I?'

Val though at her mind,making Riley look at her worriedly,
"Hey Val you okay?"

Riley asked as she waved her hand Infront of Val's face

Val snapped out of her thoughts as she answered to Riley
"Yeah I'm alright Minnesota"

Riley nodded and began to set her stuff again as Val thought on how to confess to Riley

'how to confess to her? She seem straight..let's just ask'

"Yo Minnesota?"

Val's sort of greet and question made Riley look at her as she answer

"Are you straight?"

"No? I'm bi to be honest,why?"

Val said to her to not to worry that it was a random question, Riley slowly nodded went back to unpack

Val though of something,as she said to Riley she was gonna get something

-Third pov-

Val went outside to get something for Riley,as she planned to confess to Riley tonight

She went to the nearest convenience store as she bought chocolate and some candy

She went back to her room as Riley had just finished unpacking her stuff, Val asked to Riley

"Riley,can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

Val took a deep breath and confessed her feelings

"Soo,I had like you since you came to the summer camp,and I hope you like me back?"

Riley was shocked as Val reassured her that it was fine that Riley didn't like her back

Riley went closer to Val and kissed her,

They broke it as Riley smiled revealing her braces that Val adored

"I like you too Val"

Val smiled as she brought Riley in Val's bed as she smirked on top of Riley,"ready Minnesota?"

They had quite some fun,next day their friends looked tired and complained that some loud noises were in the dorms

I do hope you like this,I had made this because I already had an idea so yeah! Hope you like this!

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