°•Joy x reader(emotion)•°

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So I thought of something but I do hope you like this,sadly I can't tag you since watppad won't let me- so yeah do hope you like this one!


Description:Jot wanted some advice on how she should confess to someone as love help her

Scenery: fluff

Relationship:best friends to lovers


-Love's pov/Reader's-

'phew finally Riley confessed to Val,now finally I can sleep'

I thought as

I realized that the other emotions already went to bed,I shrugged

I walk to my room to sleep

I arrived to the front of my door and opened it the door as I changed to my pajamas

After brushing my teeth I heard a knock on my door,

I questioned my self

'who would be still awake in the night?'

I wondered as I opened the door, revealing Joy

I greeted her as I was shocked that she was still awake

"Hey Joy,you need something?"

I questioned her as she muttered something I didn't catch as she asked a question,ignoring my question for her

Making me frown a little but shrugged it off

"Can I ask you something? An advice or something ?"

I squint my eyes in curiosity as I let her in since she needs to sit down,

"Well what I do know is what type of feelings your feeling for them.like platonic? Or romantically,Joy"

I said as I sat down on my bed patting the space next to me

She sat down as she thought about her own feelings

"Well, romantically. But I don't know how to comfess to them"

I saddened a little as she likes someone,but yet I thought

'it could be me ,nah I don't think so'

I snapped out if my thoughts as I answered for her

"Well you just confess to them and they will either return the feelings for you,or not! But you should think positively for confidence"

She nodded meaning she understood as she thanked me and went to her room

As she closed my door,I tucked my self to my bed,thinking

'who does she like? Could it be anger?mor is it anxiety? Ugh so many emotions!'

I eventually calmed down as I drifted to sleep

The next morning came as I prepared my self for a new day for Riley

I got ready as I closed the door of my room and went to the main area

"Good morning everyone!"

I greeted as they greeted me back,I noticed Joy wasn't there

"Hey where's Joy?"

Anger answered my question

"Not sure, probably with Fear why?"

I saddened as I nodded

Fear and Joy came back just before Riley woke up as Joy came up to me


She said my other name,which was normal but yet it was confusingly that she asked me in a very weird and yet nervous tone


She took a deep breath as she asked if I could come with her

"Yeah sure"

I followed her into a random corner as she shyly rubbed her arm

"So,I really like you ever since we met in the headquarters..and i do hope you like me too?"

She asked looking at me as I was shocked,I then softly smiled at her

"Of course I like you goofball!"

I said as I hugged her,she hugged me back, squealing

"Let's head back yeah?"

She nodded and dragged me as I chuckled

As new relationship began to bloom

Alright I do hope you like this! Thank you for requesting and you may request again if you want!

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