°•Joy x sadness head cannons•°

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Helloooo!!! So I know I've promised like to post on my birthday but like my brain has been on HOLD,like why 😭😭😭 btw for the person who requested for joy x sadness I know you didn't request for a head cannons for them but my brain is not making me write or either making sense right now so I deeply apologize for the inconvenience

So I do hope you would like this:)
Description: Head cannons of joy x sadness,but yet like it's half head cannons and half a story so like bare with me okay:)

Relationship:you can choose between friends or lovers




'first time meeting each other'

1. Okay so the first meeting of them both like  met in inside out 1 so I can't really remember but what I do know it was like this

-insert short story of them meeting each other-

Joy was the first emotion to be introduced into the movie,then all of the sudden a blue emotion that was half of the height of Joy came

Joy looked at her,smiling as she introduced herself

Sadness look at her gloomy,before she whispered her name

Joy of course heard that as sadness took over this small console before joy tried to nudge her to take her hands off the small console

2. The second maybe crazy but ever since they had this type of argument in since out 1,like how Riley doesn't need sadness and needs more joy and stuff

I feel like after they had that argument,they grew to help each other and maybe even hang out outside of the headquarters

-insert a short hang out between them-

Joy and sadness were just walking around in the some like town for the emotions,people that are in Riley's mind to entertain themselves other than to work and work

Joy found this some like doll shop,as she dragged sadness to come over before opening the shop

The owner of the shop,looked up before greeting with a smile on their face.

"Hey there! Welcome,to Jellabeens!"

They greeted the two emotions as Joy greeted back before walking around the shop leaving sadness,as sadness realised and walked after joy

3. I'm pretty sure that joy will actually have a lot of unicorn stuffed dolls,like joy loves how colourful can a unicorn be,that she has THOUSANDS of unicorn dolls

Meanwhile sadness she would just have like a singular teddybear,like sadness would probably just think the teddy bear of hers won't like many dolls in her own room

-inserting a short story of them seeing each of their dolls for the first time-


Sadness knocked on the cheerful emotion,as the door opened widely revealing Joy

"Hey there sadness!"

Joy then pulled sadness's wrist into her room before letting go to close the door

Sadness saw of how many unicorn dolls in joy's room,all in different types of sizes and different colours.

Joy saw sadness looking at her dolls,before noticing sadness has a teddy bear in her hand

Joy looked at the teddy bear as of the teddy bear looked like food

Sadness saw joy's stare at her stuffed bear,as they both just quietly stared at each other


Considering that joy can snap out of anger randomly,sadness might over react at the sudden outburst from Joy

-insert short story of them arguing-

Sadness was trying to help anxiety to touch the console but joy thinks it isn't the time for anxiety to touch the console as Riley was practicing her hockey skills

Anxiety stopped worrying as she got reassured from Fear

Sadness looked mad,okay not fully but mostly annoyed

She decided to confront joy of her selfishness as Joy listened but finally having enough of it

She then snapped at sadness as the other emotions looked at them,not knowing what to do

Sadness softened,before her eyes started to water down.

Joy looked at her,in shock of her self

(No worries at night they ate ice cream together;>)


(Since I have no more ideas for angst,if you have some head cannons for the emotions do tell, because I've been thinking to make more head cannons about the emotions)

You might think that sadness and joy is like one of those couples that look so innocent and not wanting to do 'it'

But the truth is,they do!

Like almost everyday,since joy and sadness is like a switch (in my opinion)

They like to do it,and explore various of styles of doing it and finding their favorite one and least favorite one

(Now I won't do a lemon for this one because naturally again my brain stopped working again;( I hate this,I think I have a writer block)


Alright! I do hope you like this,and this is kinda fun actually! I do hope you like this;)

And see ya people!

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