°•Male!Anxiety x reader x Male!Ennui•°

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Good morning/afternoon people anyway here is a another request
Here ya go,and for this request anxiety and ennui is a male ,but you can imagine that they are still a girl since it doesn't really affect much. The request was just anxiety and ennui to be a male
Requested by
Description: male!Ennui and male!anxiety had falled in love with our y/n.
And since they told each other about their crush on y/n,they decide to compete.

Relationship: friends to dating


Reader's abouts: y/n is a positive emotion,and likes ennui/anxiety

-third pov-

In a day,ennui and anxiety wanted to confess their love to y/n.

They had a really big argument that y/n would choose them

What they didn't know y/n already liked them

Y/n was already walking to the main area where was the console was
She was greeted by Joy,sadness,fear,envy
And of course our ennui

He greeted y/n with a smile

"Bounjor Mon amour"

Y/n blushed at his deep french accent as she greeted him too

"Morning to you too ennui"

Ennui smiled as he went back to scroll on his phone on his couch

Anxiety then came in with coffee in his hands as he gave each emotion their drinks

When he reached to y/n,he gave her drink and a wink

He walked away to go to the massaging couch that joy had prepared him for

Y/n blushed as she thanked him

She took a seat on ennui's couch,ennui looked at her

He didn't mind as he started a conversation with her ignoring the glares from anxiety

"Mon amour,what are you drinking there?"
Y/n looked at him and smiled as she told him it was (desired drink)

He smiled at her aswell,and they talk then.

Anxiety glared at ennui as ennui grinned at him and glared at him too

"You know y/n? Do you have a crush Mon amour?"
He said teasingly as y/n blushed but nodded


Ennui grinned,and asked who was it

"I can't tell youuu"
She whined and ennui faked a pout

"Ma Cherie how dare you!"

He faked fainted before laughing,y/n joined him, laughing.

Anxiety looked mad that they were talking,but he was also scared that y/n might not like him

Y/n was needed on the console as she said her goodbyes to ennui

Ennui said bye to her aswell

Anxiety saw this as a chance to talk to her and walked up near to the console

"Hey y/nn"

Y/n looked at anxiety and said her hello as well with a smile on her face

"Do you need something anxiety?"

Anxiety shook his head

"Not really just wanted to talk to you"

Y/n nodded and let him talk to her

"Joy!Riley needs you!"

She shouted and Joy came to the console and pressed the button

Y/n also helped her by pressing her button making Riley calm

"Alright! Lets get some sleep yeah?"

Joy shouted as Riley went to sleep early


As Envy went to her room

Anxiety and ennui looked at each other before walking up to y/n who was taking the night shift

"Oh hey you two,need something?"
She asked with a smile

Anxiety and ennui blushed at her smile,

"Yeah,so we heard you like someone right"

Y/n nodded, understanding

"Do you like one of us?"

Y/n looked at anxiety then ennui before answering

-Anxiety's ending-

"Yeah..I like Anxiety"

Ennui understood,he knew he lost her but still smiled as he thanked her before going to sleep

Anxiety was very schock as he hugged her immediately and sent Kisses everywhere on her face

"I'm quite surprised you chose me y/n"

He said as he put his head to her chest as y/n chuckle and agreed

-Ennui's ending-

"I like Ennui"

She said,speaking the name

Anxiety smiled sadly as he knew he didn't win her as he thanked her and a goodnight and walked away

Ennui gave her a smile,and thanked her over and over again as he finally gave her a kiss on her lips

Y/n smiled into the kiss as she kissed him back

"I love you Mon amour"

-both endings-

"I actually like the both of you"

Ennui and anxiety was shocked as they gave her different types of affection

They were glad no one needs to move on and forget it since they both like her too

"We love you Mon amour/my dear"


Alright that is another request;>>>>

See ya next time!

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