-Random head cannons-

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Sorry for not posting that very often,I have no ideas or motivation for the past few weeks 😕 but enjoy some head canons from each of the characters!


Description:Some head canons for each of the characters


Length:short again


Okay first is Riley

I have a feeling that Riley loves to help people, considering she helped all kinds of people and she loves CATS

She might also like bowling? I don't know but my imagination right now is saying Riley not only likes hockey but other type of sports

(I love cats 😍)

Second is Val, because people simp.for.her.

(Including me 😍😍)


She probably likes to hang out with the Firehawks including Riley of course

She probably is lesbian? I don't know just a lot of people saying that anyway hope to the next one!


Probably,since she is so cheerfull And stuff. She probably likes unicorns

From my last chapter I made her liking unicorns so yeah

Fourth, Dani

She is my momm-

Erm,just don't mind it....

Since she is VERY liked by people,I will count her in the chapters

Anyway,she probably loves strawberry milkshake,she might look hot and all but she probably likes strawberry flavoured stuff


And I have nothing else to say,soooo if you want more I will make them:>

See ya!

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