°•Anxiety x reader•°

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Hello! So this is requested by WILD_DUCKALA  and LoafyBananaBread
Hope you like this!
Description;Anxiety and Craziness were best friends but what kept them apart was
Anxiety's schedule

Relationship;Friends to dating

Scenery;angst/to fluff

Reader abouts: she is the emotion of craziness,but like to be called y/n for a reason..as she has a sweater purple striped as
She also has a right hand claw as her right hand,with a leather belt that holds her brown pants,and she also has a
prosthetic leg on her left leg.

-Third pov-
Anxiety woke up again In 3 A.M

           Just to plan Riley's schedule,(or Riley's plan she thought?)Craziness woke up because she wanted to drink a cup of water.

Anxiety was at the kitchen counter with her notepad,and a pen In her hand.

                                                                  Craziness saw her as she sighed and went to her

"Anxiety why are you awake again?you need sleep.it still 3 in the morning"

                                                                    Anxiety groaned at the messied female emotion

"No I'm fine,Y/n"

She groaned as she drank her cup of coffee making the Messied emotion
Sighed as she took the notepad away and the pen.

Anxiety's anger grew more,
"Give it back y/n"

She said in  a calming tone but yet a hint of annoyance

                             The messied female didn't want to give it back as she took it and said in a very serious tone

"Go to sleep and I will give it back when you need it"
Anxiety tried to take it as she reached for it
                                                                                  "Gosh you so annoying y/n!"

                                      The messied hair emotion stopped as she thought for a moment,then she gave it back.

After that she walked out of the kitchen with her cup of water

                                  Anxiety finally had calmed down as she began writing and planing dor Riley's future.

But the thoughts of her mind,kept replaying the scenario of her and y/n arguing,
She felt guilty but shrugged it off,as she began writing again.

-at 8 A.M in the mornings

A few hours came by, as Anxiety grabbed her third coffee of the day,and greeted the other emotions

                                The other emotions either also greeted her or had waved,but one emotion wasn't present.

                                                                                                     It was Y/n

Anxiety wanted to go to her room,but yet she didn't

Instead she thought of her needing space.

So Anxiety just ignored the thought as she countinued drinking her coffee and her banana bread
Riley had just woken up as y/n walked to the room with her usual outfit of a striped purple ones along with red stitches on the left sleeve,
Green on the right

as she grabbed her tea that she always drank as she grabbed it and walked towards the console,

She looked very ill,like mentally ill

Her eyes was red,as her yellow skin looked paler than usual as her sweater sleeves weren't rolled up,
It was rolled down.

Anxiety took notice of this slight change of her appearance.

She was panicking inside of her soul,but yet she thought maybe she wask sick or Riley had a cold or something.

As the day countinued y//n looked more and more paler  than in the morning,the other emotions began to worry

They asked her to eat something,as she nod and took a glass filled of ice cubes

She ate one by one,crunching on each one of her ice cubes

As she finished her glass of ice cubes,she prepared the glass again for tomorrow

She prepared the ice cubes molecule and filled it with water as she grabbed the ice cube filled molecule and began to take it out

She grabbed each ice cube and put it in the glass,the other emotions were normal but yet Anxiety had a concerned look

Y/n finished taking each one as she put the emptied molecule back to the small freezer for her

She went back as she sat next to Ennui,
Ennui didn't mind since they were both an emotion that they only wanted to be understood

Or they were called the emotions of misunderstood

The emotions noticed that y/n wasn't talking to anxiety.

Anxiety still had her concerned look on her face as she began to panic for  Riley and y/n in secret.

Riley finally had a wonderful day,as she slept with her girlfriend,Val.


The day had finished as the other emotions said their 'goodbyes'

And went to their rooms,

They also asked y/n to talk to anxiety. She could only nod and went to anxiety

"Anxiety,we need to talk."

Anxiety looked at the female Infront of her as she agreed

"Yeah sure what do you wanna talk about?"

The female sighed as she answered the question of the orange female asked

"Its about you schedule,you need to relax and have more sleep-"

The yellowed female began to ramble about anxiety's schedule as anxiety didn't want to listen,but her mind was some where else.

The yellow skinned female noticed this as she sighed and said her goodbyes to Anxiety

Anxiety ran to her as she wanted to confess to her

"Wait! Y/n,I have had a crush on you since we met,and I know my schedule is crazy but I will try to have more rest and sleep for you. I know that I called you annoying and all but I love you. I was just mad at you for taking my notepad because its not for Riley's plans..it was about us. How I wanted to confess to yo,care for you and more. I do hope you like me back//"

Anxiety confessed as the yellow skinned female wanted to confessed aswell

" I also have had a crush on you,and I'm concerned for your health To be like mines because I'm crazy and some sort misu derstoood. So I will care for you just the way you need.anxiety."

As they smiled softly at each other and cuddled at y/n's room

Alright! I do hope you two enjoy this because your guys ideas were similar I though i joined them.

Thank you for requesting

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