°•Male!Ennui x reader•°

893 16 17

No one requested it to be honest but I wanted to make one for me but it's also for you guys :> so yeah have fun reading this

(Ennui is a male in this one since I think it would fit more but you can change the gender in your imagination)
Description:Ennui was already dating y/n and he knew almost everything about her but one thing he didn't knew,his girlfriend played the violin



Reader's about: she is (choose any emotion that isn't in the movie) as she could play the electric guitar and violin (which ennui didn't knew about that) as she one day was to angry and decided to play in her room with her violin playing a phonk song


-Third pov-
Ennui and y/n was laying on Ennui's couch as they cuddled

Y/n laying on Ennui's chest and ennui was scrolling through his phone in his right hand while his left hand was rubbing and patting his girlfriend's head

The other emotions thought it was cute as they took care Riley, until y/n was needed,sure y/n can use her boyfriends phone to take care of it but this time,she needs to see the situation

"Um y/n?"

Joy called out as she backed away from the console


Y/n answered as ennui's right hand,went from his girlfriend'd head to her hip

"We have a problem"

Y/n groaned as ennui chuckled in her ear

"Why not you just deal with it"

Anxiety stepped in as she panicked

"It's a boy touching Riley"

She quickly said and y/n ran to the console faster than light

"Hold on!"

She began to speed up touching each button of hers and some othe emotions


She said finishing,as Riley ran from the creepy guy

"By the way,she has a violin contest tomorrow so can you help her?"

Y/n nodded and walked back to ennui's couch

Ennui looked like he didn't heared anything from joy and looked at his girlfriend,as he immediately pulled her back to their cuddling session

Y/n froze for a moment as she relaxed and snuggled to his chest again

The other emotions smiled once again as they took care of rieky again before calling it a night,since Riley needed sleep

Ennui and y/n were walking to their room as they changed to their pajamas and went to the bed

Ennui flopped on the bed after he went to charge his phone

"Ugh,Oh cher"

Ennui softly moaned at the soft bed as y/n chuckled and went to tuck her self before ennui joined her

They cuddled as ennui's hands were on y/n's waist and y/n's head was on Ennui's chest

They slept through the night

In the morning,the emotions woke up early, anxiety who already woke up earlier than all of them made them coffee

But for y/n,she made (desired drink) for her

She drank her (desired drink) and thanked anxiety for making it

Riley already woke up,and the emotions went to work

"Alright I got your violin y/n"

Sadness said as y/n thanked her,ennui looked suprised at the violin as he wanted to watch from the background

"Alright round up folks! Riley needs to impress the judges"

Riley can play the violin since it was one of her new hobby's,but who also played it?

She made rieky realise that violin is very fun and exciting

And then Riley was on top of the stage

She took a breath and started playing

Inside her mind,y/n was playing the violin. Helping Riley with her movements in every movement

The emotions were amazed on how good the violin sounded

Ennui however,found this very moment, beautiful

Ennui thought that y/n is extremely gorgeous when she is playing at the violin

He also thought the violin sounded good,he smiled softly

"Oh mon Dieu"

He whispered as y/n began to speed up of the violin,since the theme of the contest was a Phonk song

Y/n finished as Riley got cheered from the audience as inside Riley's mind

Y/n was applauded by her friends and her boyfriend

Joy excitedly went to y/n as she also praised her

The other emotions also praised her as ennui smiled,seeing his girlfriend smile


Y/n then appeared Infront of Ennui,as she snapped fingers making ennui snapped out of it

"Oh hey ma Cherie"

Ennui smiled as he praised her aswell making his girlfriend smile and bluse

"Your really talented aren't you mon amour?"

He smiled at her as he brought her to his arms,and he received a kiss from his girlfriend

"You know you love me ennui~"

"Fine,I do love you,mon amour"


Alrightttt hope you guys like this,and the next request will be out!
Now see ya!


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