°•Val x reader x Riley•°

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Heloo so this is requested byChuuya_c1mjar
You said something related to Val,so I hope this is alright with you!

Description:Val and y/n was already dating but when they get to know  Riley,they thought if Riley should join to the relationship

Relationship:Dating included a new one

Reader abouts: a female,and is a athlete but not a hockey player


-Val pov-
I am here in (pick a sport) game because of my girlfriend,playing the match

I was supporting her just like how she supported me when I'm in a hockey game

Riley was also next to me,cheering for y/n as I admired her

I had also a crush on Riley,but I was dating y/n,I was thinking a poly relationship

If y/n was fine with that,I will ask her later after the game

The game had ended as y/n won as she laughed and thanked everyone for the support and help

As y/n was changing Riley,needed to go home as she said bye to me and I said my goodbyes to her

I waited for y/n to finish changing as she surprised making me gasp at the sudden jumpscare

As I pinched her cheeks,making her pout

I laughed at how cute she was as we walked together to go back to our room

The silence came as we had walked together,holding hands

My thought of Riley came as I wanted to ask for y/n if she wanted a poly relationship

I broke the silence


I said as she looked at me


I waited for a few moments as I questioned her once more

"Do you ever think if we should have poly relationship?"

She thought for a moment but she nodded

I was shocked as I questioned again

"Even if it's with Riley"

She was just nodding as she answered

"Yeah, Riley is cool and adorable to be honest"

I gasped as she complimented Riley as I jokingly asked

"More adorable than me?!"

I faked a gasp as she chuckled

-third pov-

-At the day that they met Riley-

"Hey val,and y/nn"

Riley greeted them as she found them waiting Infront of the mall lobby

"Oh hey Riley/Minnesota!"

They greeted Riley with different names as they chuckle

Riley slightly blushed as she asked them what they want to do

"We can go to Claire's?"

Y/n requesting as Val nodded

They all walked together as Y/n asked Riley the question

"Riley,do you like us?"

Riley looked so nervous as she slowly nodded

"Y-yeah..who told you that?"

They laughed as Val stepped into the question

"A friend of mine said it to us"

Riley was embarrassed as she hid her face

"If you like us,you want to be in a relationship with us?"

Riley looked surprised as she asked if it was okay

"A-are you sure?"

The both looked at each other as they looked at Riley again and nodded

"Yeah it's fine, Riley"

Riley surpringsly agreed as they all smiled and went back to their hang out,wait no-

First date


I know it's short and all but I do hope you like it! I'm getting lazy because of the request getting more and more

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