Chapter 17

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(TW big TW)

Luicfer wakes up and turns over to see Alastor still asleep, his smile still on his face. 'How and why is he still smiling??' He sits up rubbing his eyes. Abigail whispers "good morning dear, try to not wake him up if he's still sleeping that mean he really needs it, I got some breakfast from downstairs would you like some?" Lucifer smiles "yes please" he gets up and sits with her on her bed

Abigail looks at him. "He has spoken very highly of you." Lucifer looks at her with a piece of bacon in his mouth. "I know you're aware of his past, mainly his childhood because of that man. She takes a deep breath. "I am really happy he has you Lucifer. He actually seems happy, something I never thought he would ever be able to do. That was one of my greatest fears when I was alive and still after death, that he would never going to be able to feel true happiness."

Lucifer listens, "there are some points where I feel like might have been better if I did do what John wanted and abort him. I feel his soul would have gone somewhere else, somewhere he could have been happy his whole life and not just after he died..." she tears up. "I don't think he knows just how horrible I feel for how he was forced to turn out..." HE swollows hard as he voice cracks.

Lucifer gently grabs her hand and holds it. "Abigail, trust me, he knows, and he doesn't care. He's told me countless times that he doesn't blame you. He never has. He talks about you all the time, and every time it's nothing but about how much he loves you" She looks at him and smiles "really?" "Really."

Alastor turns over reaching out for Lucifer "mm" Lucifer gets up and gently pets him. "I'm over here baby" Alastor opens his eyes "mm?" Lucifer chuckles "I got up before you" Alastor sits up rubbing his eyes, his ears twitching. "I smell food" "you're mom got food" Lucifer scratches behind his ears. Alastors ears stop twitching.

He looks over at her. "Good morning sweet pea" She gets up and kisses his cheek "come eat breakfast" Alastor gets up. "Let me change first" He walks to the bathroom. Lucifer follows. Alastor takes off his shirt. Lucifer gasps "when did you get a tattoo!?" "Oh yesterday" Lucifer looks close at it. "It's amazing!!" Alastor pets him. "Yes I am very happy with it."

Alastor changes he accidentally bumps his elbow. He hisses at the bit of pain. "Oh no are you okay??" "Yes yes I'm alright" Lucifer tilts his head seeing Alastor still smiling. "Al.." "hm?" He looks in the mirror and fixes his hair. "Why are you smiling..?" "Because I'm happy." "..but you smiled when you hit your elbow."

Alastor glances at him "the pain doesn't stop my joy?" "Alastor. Tell me the truth.." Alastor walks out "alright! Why don't we go get the girls and start looking for this man hm? Shall we get your father as well love?" Lucifer frowns. "Lucifer dear what's wrong??" Abigail looks worried. "Alastor isn't being honest." "What??"

Alastors eyes widen. "Alastor. What are you not being honest about?" "Nothing!" She grab his ear "don't you lie to me boy. Are you not telling your boyfriend the truth?" "Ah..! Mother..! Ow!" "Answer the question boy!" Lucifer winces he didnt expect her to do that "i don't think.." "I got this Lucifer. We don't tolerate fibbing. Right Alastor? "y-yes Ma'am.." "Now spill."

Alastor sighs and makes the green thread appear over his mouth. Lucifer gasps softly. Abigail looks confused letting go of his ear. "Honey what is that??" Lucifer is frowning "he sewed his mouth so he wouldn't stop smiling..." "what..!? Alastor why would you do you??" "Because you don't like it when I frown mama..." He is rubbing her ear

She covers her mouth "did I make you feel like you couldn't ever frown..?" She tears up. "Mama please don't cry..!" He holds her shoulders "I did this myself because I wanted you to see my smile all the time..." "honey.. you can't be going and sewing your mouth like this... doesn't it hurt..?" He gently touches it. "It did at first but the pain stopped I promise it did..."

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