Chp 9. First humanity's win

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Trost, Inner gate (wounded zone)

After an hour, you were resting in the wounded zone, there were no people to talk, even if they did, Their mental health didn't allow them to articulate words

(y/n): Fuck man... Hope they're safe... Will Eren do it? I know he's strong but... Could he control it...? shit... why they didn't allow me to fight? I know I could do something...

You heard a bang far away

(y/n): What's that? A smoke sign? Hey sir or madam... excuse me but, do you see some smoke towards the center of Trost or something like that?

you speaked to a nurse

nurse: Yeah... it seems... red

(y/n): Thanks... Fuck, that means the mission failed! but how? Did the Titans killed Eren again?

Center of Trost

It seems that Eren efectively transformed, but... he didn't control himself and tried to attack Mikasa, so then a garrison elite soldier, Rico, shot a red smoke signal, announcing the mission's fail, despite the eren's loss of control, he punched himself strongly, making himself fall unconscius, but still in the Titan. Pixis declined the retreat, so they've continued fighting. Armin jumped off the top of the wall and started going to Eren. Once there, he positioned himself on the nape of Eren's knocked out titan.

Armin: From the back of the head to the nape of the neck, one meter high and ten centimeters across...

Mikasa: Armin!!

Armin: I'm pulling him out of here! You just hold off the other Titans as long as you can. When Eren first emerged from this form, it was from the weak spot! I dunno but something tells me that's a big part of the picture. How these damn things work, it'll be alright. As long as I don't hit the center. This won't kill him.. but... it's gonna hurt... A lot!!

Mikasa: NO!!!!

Eren's Titan started to roar in pain... in so much pain

Mikasa: Stop it! You'll get yourself killed!

Armin: I'm fine! Just do what you can to keep the rest bay! Trust me, there's tons of other people you should be worried about, now leave Eren to me and do what you do best!!

Mikasa leaved

Armin: Eren! Can you hear me!? You've got to pull it together. If you stay like this, we're all going to die! Whatever this body's doing to you... fight it!! You're Eren Jeager dammit!! What's this steaming lump of flesh have on you, huh!? C'mon! Dammit, wake up!! get out of there! WE need you! Eren!!!

Armin was yelling in almost panic

Armin: Remember what they did to her!? You were bent on avenging her death! You swore to massacre the Titans!!! Eren! Eren, please! You have to push through it! I know you're in there! Listen to me!! If you don't move, the titans are going to kill us!! it'll all end right here! 

Eren's Titan didn't move at all

Armin: Eren. Please, for me... wake up, Remember when we were kids? All we could talk about was the world outside... You know, beyond the walls: Frozen tundra that streches to the skies, sand dunes, oceans, forests. The world my parents wanted to see... I'd always thought you'd outgrown that dream, I was kind of sad it didn't come up anymore. But then I realized you let it go because you didn't want me to join the scouts... Tell me, honestly. Even though your first step beyond the wall meant the difference  between a warm hearth and hell on earth. Even though it meant risking your life. Gambling against the possibility of dying like my parents. Why? Why throw caution to the wind and venture outside? 

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