Timeskip info

681 11 12

year 854

(y/n) Gojo

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(y/n) Gojo

19 years old

Height: 6.4ft/1.95 meters

Weight: 198lb

Likes: meat, Historia, spending time with his comrades, training, fighting

Dislikes: his superiors, Reiner, death, Titans, Reiner, lettuce, orders, Reiner

- You married with Historia in the year 853, making you the King of Consort, so you had the second highest rank in the jerarchy, below Historia's. You went to meetings when Historia couldn't. But even with that, the MPs and Survey Corps kept sending you missions. But at least, you could have more private moments with Historia besides your jobs

- You perfectioned your Limitless technique, making it practicaly a passive skill. Learning new forms of using not only the infinity but also ways to use the Cursed energy. You stopped using the ODM, with your teleportation and flight, it was useless. You forgot how to use it

- You accepted more missions with the Survey Corps so you could spend more time with your comrades

- Historia is the one that cuts your hair

- You took advantage of your rank as King of Consort, so you ate meat almost everyday

- As a result of your power, you started being careless, to the point that someones may even consider it arrogance

- You sometimes sparred with Eren to train, until he decided to go to Marley for some reason he didn't want to talk about. When Eren went to Marley, you sparred with Mikasa without using your power, in 6 months she didn't win even once

Stats (example: Levi)

Combat abilities: 8/10

Strategy: 7/10

Leadership: 8/10

ODM skill: 11/10

Speed: 9/10

(y/n) Gojo

Combat abilities (without Limitless): 10/10

Combat abilities (with Limitless): ∞/10

Strategy: 8/10

Leadership: 6/10

ODM skill: 1/10

Speed: 20/10

Relationships of the main cast:

(A/N): I drawed it before the 3rd season arc and after 2nd season, that's why the blindfold, but the relations are still the same

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(A/N): I drawed it before the 3rd season arc and after 2nd season, that's why the blindfold, but the relations are still the same

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